Open Bug 1801233 Opened 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Within Composition pane, User can no longer assign color to a selection of text.


(Thunderbird :: Message Compose Window, defect)

Thunderbird 102


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ckckck939393, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.14; rv:106.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/106.0

Steps to reproduce:

Excellent email client, love it. Within Composition pane, User can no longer assign color to a selection of text. The color-assignation function no longer works. The disappearance of this functionality is non-trivial.

1: Reply to an existing email or create a new one; in the latter case, supply a line or two of text.
2: Within Composition window, select some of the text, via mouse or keyboard.
3: Activate the 'Choose Color for Text' function.
4: Click the 'Choose a Color' button.
Palette of available colors appears.
5: Choose a color e.g. Blueberry from Crayons.
The 'Choose a Color' swathe within the dialog box changes to the chosen color.
6: Click OK.

Actual results:

Dialog box closes. Text color remains unchanged viz. Black.
Pathway for choosing color doesn't matter (crayons, color-wheel, sliders...)
Tried preparing text in another application (TextEdit), colorizing it there, and then copying & pasting the colored text into the TBird Composition window. No luck: when pasted into TBird, text color changes to black.

Expected results:

User should be able to select text and assign it a color. Fn worked in the past.
System details: Mac Mini; OS 10.14.6 Mojave; TBird 102.5.0 (64-bit); 16G RAM;
Intel Iris, Metal Supported, feature set macOS GPUFamily1 v4

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