Closed Bug 1809579 Opened 1 year ago Closed 6 months ago

Firefox doesn't reopen tabs when program/computer crashes


(Firefox :: Session Restore, defect)

Firefox 107





(Reporter: kirstie.palmer, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:107.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/107.0

Steps to reproduce:

After computer crashes, I reopen Firefox after computer is restarted.

Actual results:

Firefox opens without previous tabs open, even though when it normally closes under normal circumstances the tabs do reopen.

When I go to the History - Recently Closed Tabs, the tabs don't appear to be reopened. If I Manage History, older tabs appear but it is ALL the older tabs used prior & not just the ones that were open when the program crashed with the computer.

Expected results:

All tabs that were previously open should have reopened. And in the Recently Closed Tabs, the recent tabs that were open should be listed so they can be reopened.

The Bugbug bot thinks this bug should belong to the 'Firefox::Tabbed Browser' component, and is moving the bug to that component. Please correct in case you think the bot is wrong.

Component: Untriaged → Tabbed Browser

I have attempted to confirm this report by leaving a MacBook run out of juice and "die", but this was not successful as all the webpages were opened automatically, the user profiles remained logged in where the case and everything were kept in place.

Being unable to forcefully crash a system, I wonder if there is another way to simulate a system crash. I don't think we should unplug an iMac from the power, but that might be a way.

Some information might help clear some things up tho:

  1. Do you know what kind of crash your system had or why?
  2. Have you hade Firefox opened for a long time before it crashed? (approximation)
  3. Are you using a MacBook, an iMac or something else?

Thank you for your contribution!

Component: Tabbed Browser → Session Restore
Flags: needinfo?(kirstie.palmer)

Thank you for working on this bug. I really appreciate it. In answer to your questions above:

  1. Using an older external hard drive (G drive) to back up my computer with Time Machine sometimes crashes my MacBook Pro-M1 Max chip-64gb RAM.

  2. Firefox wasn't open for very long. I had just restarted the computer before doing the Time Machine backup. However, I had many Firefox tabs open. And in the past, Firefox hasn't sync'd my tabs because I keep so many open. So this could be the issue.

  3. MacBook Pro with an M1 Max chip & 64gb of RAM.

Flags: needinfo?(kirstie.palmer)

The severity field is not set for this bug.
:dao, could you have a look please?

For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(dao+bmo)

I think bug 1808407 describes the same problem. Lets track this in one place.

Closed: 6 months ago
Duplicate of bug: 1808407
Flags: needinfo?(dao+bmo)
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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