Closed Bug 1810216 Opened 2 years ago Closed 10 months ago

TB 109.x Send Message via SMTP failed due to embedded images


(Thunderbird :: Message Compose Window, defect)

Thunderbird 109
Windows 10


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: richard.leger, Unassigned)



(Keywords: testcase-wanted, Whiteboard: [closeme 2023-12-05][needs protocol log])


(1 file)

In TB 109.x branch I noticed with multiple version (one alpha and couple of beta) that when you reply to a message sending the message via SMTP fails, it is trying to send, the progress bar reach 70%+ sometime even 100% but the process never completes. After a while TB shows an error message indicating the failure to send the message. From my testing I noticed that if you remove pre-existing content in email body especially signature containing embedded images, then the message is sent ok.

Fyi, similar issue raise, when I try to save message to Draft folder via IMAP instead of sending...

Also discussed here:

See Also: → 1381485

Perhaps attach the SMTP log to the bug.

The same issue is happening again in TB 113.0b5 (64-bit) (just upgraded from 113.0b3).

I cannot send message or reply to email that contain embedded image... the sending process seems to time out before it can send and copy the message to Sent folder (via IMAP).
Connection to the server works fine, I can receive email and send email without images. If I delete image in email that are not sending, email is being sent successfully.

Console errorCode: 2152398862

Unknown property '-moz-border-radius'.  Declaration dropped. codemirror.css:244:22
Elements matching selector: .CodeMirror pre.CodeMirror-line, .CodeMirror pre.CodeMirror-line-like
NodeList [ pre.CodeMirror-line-like, pre.CodeMirror-line ]
​0: <pre class="CodeMirror-line-like">​
1: <pre class=" CodeMirror-line " role="presentation">
​length: 2
​<prototype>: NodeListPrototype { item: item(), keys: keys(), values: values(), … }
Error in parsing value for 'width'.  Declaration dropped. messenger.xhtml
TypeError: this._sendProgress.msgWindow is null
    notifyListenerOnStopCopy resource:///modules/MessageSend.jsm:538
1683042762351	places	TRACE	FrecencyRecalculator :: Got frecency-recalculation-needed topic
1683042762351	places	TRACE	FrecencyRecalculator :: Frecency recalculation requested
1683042762351	places	TRACE	FrecencyRecalculator :: Arm frecency recalculation
error { target: TCPSocket, isTrusted: true, name: "NetworkTimeoutError", message: "Network", errorCode: 2152398862, srcElement: TCPSocket, currentTarget: TCPSocket, eventPhase: 2, bubbles: false, cancelable: false, … }
    _onError resource:///modules/SmtpClient.jsm:438
mailnews.send: Sending failed; The message could not be sent because the connection to Outgoing server (SMTP) timed out. Try again., exitCode=2153066800, originalMsgURI=imap-message:// MessageSend.jsm:364:32
    fail resource:///modules/MessageSend.jsm:364
    _deliveryExitProcessing resource:///modules/MessageSend.jsm:715
    sendDeliveryCallback resource:///modules/MessageSend.jsm:769
    OnStopRunningUrl resource:///modules/MessageSend.jsm:1424
    onerror resource:///modules/SmtpService.jsm:195
    _onError resource:///modules/SmtpClient.jsm:454
<Provider> does not support changing `store` on the fly. It is most likely that you see this error because you updated to Redux 2.x and React Redux 2.x which no longer hot reload reducers automatically. See for the migration instructions. react-redux.js:881:13
    Redux 3
    React 13
    openWindowPrompt resource:///actors/PromptParent.jsm:163
    receiveMessage resource:///actors/PromptParent.jsm:103
    openPrompt resource://gre/modules/Prompter.sys.mjs:1185
    openPromptSync resource://gre/modules/Prompter.sys.mjs:1031
    alert resource://gre/modules/Prompter.sys.mjs:1332
    alert resource://gre/modules/Prompter.sys.mjs:72
    fail resource:///modules/MessageSend.jsm:379
    _deliveryExitProcessing resource:///modules/MessageSend.jsm:715
    sendDeliveryCallback resource:///modules/MessageSend.jsm:769
    OnStopRunningUrl resource:///modules/MessageSend.jsm:1424
    onerror resource:///modules/SmtpService.jsm:195
    _onError resource:///modules/SmtpClient.jsm:454

Attached image image.png

The following actions have no positive impact on the bug:

  • Disable Anti-virus (Windows Defender on Windows 10)
  • Clear %temp% files and folder before re-trying
  • Disable all message filter

TB appears not able to save the message in IMAP Draft folder, only in the local folder, though the message does appear sometime saved in the draft folder.

If I remove all embedded pictures, including those in signature, the message send fine.

Connection to the server works fine:
Packets: Sent = 22, Received = 22, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 79ms, Maximum = 139ms, Average = 92ms

Happens in Windows safe mode?
WIth latest beta?

Flags: needinfo?(richard.leger)

Hi Richard,
Can you provide a sample .eml with this problem? By "embedded images", can I assume you mean in the html not just normal attachment files?
Is this true no manner how many embedded images, i.e., do you see it with just a single embedded image?
You also mention problems with saving to sent. It won't save to sent folder unless the message is successfully sent. So hopefully that problem has not returned since I thought I "fixed" it early this year.
Anyhow, I'll try to duplicate with a test message I create.

From comment 6:

Anyhow, I'll try to duplicate with a test message I create.

Found an existing message with two embedded in html images. Sent OK and saved to sent folder OK.
This is with self-built 118 daily.
If you (Richard) can provide an example that has the problem it would help. If possible, attach .eml here or email me the .eml file as an attachment.

Sorry I don't have a specific .eml message to provide as it happened long ago now.
I have upgraded beta version since then and mostly using the production version of TB at the moment as some issue with Beta have been hindering my productivity (drag/drop issues especially) and are quite annoying on a daily use.

As a bit of extra information, if that can be of help, I recalled:

  • it happened with any message I replied to containing image (e.g signature or else) or where I copy paste images in body
  • having tried in Safe Mode at the time, the same issue was happening
  • it was mainly happening on a 4G Spanish connection while roaming from France - so could be linked to a specific state of the network connection but while TB would choke on email with images is a mystery no other app were reporting any issue with Internet connectivity. Was working fine on stable version.

I am due back in France at the end of October, so will be able to try again then... may not be the exact same location but we will see how it goes then with recent Beta version.

Flags: needinfo?(richard.leger)
Whiteboard: [closeme 2023-11-10][needs protocol log]

(In reply to Richard Leger from comment #0)

Also discussed here:

Unfortunately however, no corroborating users.

Keywords: testcase-wanted
Whiteboard: [closeme 2023-11-10][needs protocol log] → [closeme 2023-12-05][needs protocol log]

More info is needed

Closed: 10 months ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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