Closed Bug 1813788 Opened 1 year ago Closed 10 months ago

Split deleting site data from browsing history


(Fenix :: History, enhancement, P3)



(relnote-firefox 118+, firefox117 wontfix, firefox118 verified)

118 Branch
Tracking Status
relnote-firefox --- 118+
firefox117 --- wontfix
firefox118 --- verified


(Reporter: boek, Assigned: mozilla)



(Whiteboard: [fxdroid])


(3 files)

From github:

What is the user problem or growth opportunity you want to see solved?

On the privacy section of the settings, Delete browsing data, the only way to delete site data is to remove the entire browsing history. Spitting the two kind of data (history and site data) makes sense when the user wished is to cleanup any kind of tracking data from all sites, like when clearing cookies, but without losing the browsing history.

How do you know that this problem exists today? Why is this important?

Site data, like localStorage can be used to track user visits to a site much like cookies, It would be an advantage to do it without losing the browsing history.

Other implementations:

  • Firefox desktop on Clear recent history has a separate data section from browsing history.
  • Firefox desktop on Settings - Clear Data merge the cookies and site data options.
  • Chrome Android merge the cookies and site data options too.

Who will benefit from it?

Privacy conscious users that like to clear data with some frequency or at application exit, can take advantage of removing potential identifying information without losing the browsing history.

Note: I searched for another issue and found a recent one locked and generated by a ghost user for obvious rules violations), so I decided to open a new one as a fresh start for discussion.

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Task

Change performed by the Move to Bugzilla add-on.

Severity: -- → N/A

Please make this happen, i just want to use clear history, because of this dumb unified thing, i can't use firefox as my main browser on mobile.

Hi, I'd like to try myself at this bug, by merging the cookies and site data
Is there anything I should know ?

Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)

@ iTrooz: Hi! This bug still needs UI design. In the meantime, if you're looking for good bugs to work on, check out this list of bugs labeled "good-first-bug":

@ UX: What are your thought on these UI options?

  • Combine Site data and Cookies into one checkbox "Cookies and Site Data"? This is what Firefox Desktop does. This would require new strings for the new setting description.
  • Add a new "Site data" checkbox to the "Delete browsing data" settings screen?
  • A different approach?
Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)
Priority: -- → P3
Whiteboard: [fxdroid] [Needs-UX]

We should verify whether clearing Fenix's cookies is already clearing site data, since desktop clears them together. Maybe Fenix's UI is not accurately describing what the code does!

@ cpeterson Thanks, I will take a look !

I should note that since my last message I already made a few commits to implement the second implementation discussed (Firefox desktop on Settings - Clear Data merge the cookies and site data options.) :
And so I can confirm the code does indeed what the UI says

(I understand that by doing this without waiting for the UX discussion, my code may not be merged, I was mostly looking for a way to experiment with the Firefox codebase)

screenshot of my changes in the app:

Hey @cpeterson , is there anything I can do to help get this merged ? Should I directly propose this patch in phabricator ?

Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)

(In reply to Grumpus from comment #10)

I agree it's incredible. Been opened many times (and still in 3 open tickets too I believe)

Thanks for finding those duplicate tickets. I'll merge them into this ticket.

(In reply to iTrooz from comment #11)

Hey @cpeterson , is there anything I can do to help get this merged ? Should I directly propose this patch in phabricator ?

iTrooz, thank you for your patience. I will follow up with the UX design team again. I think your proposal to move site data from "Browsing history and site data" to "Cookies and site data" is a good approach, but I'm not the decision maker.

Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)
Duplicate of this bug: 1807446
Duplicate of this bug: 1813099

iTrooz, good news: the UX design team approved your proposed design to move site data from the "Browsing history and site data" menu item to a "Cookies and site data" menu item.

The fix will need to update the menu items in both the "Settings > Delete browsing data" and "Settings > Delete browsing data on quit" screens.

Flags: needinfo?(mozilla)
Whiteboard: [fxdroid] [Needs-UX] → [fxdroid]

Sorry for the long response delay.

My fix already applied to both of these screens, so I think I am ready to submit it

Since the developement of firefox-android seems to be done on github, I have opened a pull request there:

Flags: needinfo?(mozilla)

@cpeterson I have opened a PR on github, but I am unsure if I did the right thing.

So, a few questions:

Thanks a lot for your help

Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)

(In reply to iTrooz from comment #19)

You can add the "Bug 1813788 - " prefix to all of your micro commits, since they're all related to this same bug. I see how that might look misleading, but it's the convention. Some people also add "Part" numbers like "Bug 1813788 - Part 1:" and "Bug 1813788 - Part 2:" but that's optional. Each commit in the series should be buildable.

  • Should the conversation about the pull request (review for example) move to github now, or stay here ?

The code reviewer might not be CC'd on this Bugzilla bug, so conversation about the code changes can stay in the GitHub PR.

  • Do I have anything else to do, or should I just wait for review/merge ?

You don't need to do anything else. An Android engineer will see the new PR and then review and merge it.

Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)

I see iTrooz is working on pushing this through in github. Just wanted to say thanks for your efforts!

Assignee: cpeterson → mozilla
Closed: 10 months ago
Flags: qe-verify+
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 118 Branch

Verified as implemented on the latest Fenix Nightly 118.0a1 from 8/23 with the following devices:

Google Pixel 7 Pro ( Android 14)
Motorola Moto G9 plus (Android 11)

Flags: qe-verify+

Authored by
[main] Bug 1813788 - Part 2: Add UnusedResources specifiers to strings needing it + Remove unused testing functions

Flags: qe-verify+

iTrooz, thanks for your patience and thoroughness fixing this bug! It will ship in Firefox 118.

Release Note Request (optional, but appreciated)
[Why is this notable]: Users have requested this change many times.
[Affects Firefox for Android]: Yes.
[Suggested wording]: Move clearing of site data from "Browsing history and site data" to "Cookies and site data" menu item.
[Links (documentation, blog post, etc)]: SUMO article:

I will update the menu item strings in the SUMO article:

relnote-firefox: --- → ?

[Suggested wording]: Move clearing of site data from "Browsing history and site data" to "Cookies and site data" menu item.

If you are asking me, yes, I think the wording of this release note is good !

Release Note Request

Do I need to do anything else for this to have a release note ?

Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)

Added a slightly reworded note to the Nightly release notes. Keeping the relnote? flag open to keep it on the radar for inclusion in our final release notes.

Flags: qe-verify+

(In reply to iTrooz from comment #29)

Release Note Request

Do I need to do anything else for this to have a release note ?

Nope. You don't need to do anything since my first draft of a release note looks good to you.

Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)
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