Closed Bug 1814567 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Intermittent /webdriver/tests/execute_script/ | test_no_such_shadow_root_from_other_window_handle[closed] - assert 200 == 404


(Remote Protocol :: Marionette, defect, P5)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure)

Filed by: ctuns [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.321Z] 06:12:00     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/execute_script/ | test_no_such_shadow_root_from_other_window_handle[open] 
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.321Z] 06:12:00     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /webdriver/tests/execute_script/ | test_no_such_shadow_root_from_other_window_handle[closed] - assert 200 == 404
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.321Z] 06:12:00     INFO - session = <Session 7233d436-3979-4e93-90e6-39f9df6eb030>
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.321Z] 06:12:00     INFO - get_test_page = <function get_test_page.<locals>.get_test_page at 0x7f12fd613a60>
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.321Z] 06:12:00     INFO - closed = True
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.321Z] 06:12:00     INFO - 
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO -     @pytest.mark.parametrize("closed", [False, True], ids=["open", "closed"])
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO -     def test_no_such_shadow_root_from_other_window_handle(session, get_test_page, closed):
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO -         session.url = get_test_page()
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO -     
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO -         element = session.find.css("custom-element", all=False)
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO -         shadow_root = element.shadow_root
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO -     
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO -         new_handle = session.new_window()
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO -     
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO -         if closed:
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO -             session.window.close()
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO -     
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO -         session.window_handle = new_handle
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO -     
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO -         result = execute_script(session, "return true;", args=[shadow_root])
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO - >       assert_error(result, "no such shadow root")
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO - 
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO - closed     = True
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO - element    = <Element 36a5b89e-5fbb-4270-8a4c-849659f45f48>
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO - get_test_page = <function get_test_page.<locals>.get_test_page at 0x7f12fd613a60>
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO - new_handle = 'e95e8cc0-b5b4-4bec-b4c9-efd5a4fdf967'
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO - result     = <[ValueError('Sign not allowed in string format specifier',) raised in repr()] Response object at 0x7f12fd58c6d8>
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO - session    = <Session 7233d436-3979-4e93-90e6-39f9df6eb030>
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO - shadow_root = <webdriver.client.ShadowRoot object at 0x7f12fd58c518>
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.322Z] 06:12:00     INFO - 
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/execute_script/ 
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO - 
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO - response = <[ValueError('Sign not allowed in string format specifier',) raised in repr()] Response object at 0x7f12fd58c6d8>
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO - error_code = 'no such shadow root'
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO - 
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO -     def assert_error(response, error_code):
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO -         """
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO -         Verify that the provided webdriver.Response instance described
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO -         a valid error response as defined by `dfn-send-an-error` and
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO -         the provided error code.
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO -     
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO -         :param response: ``webdriver.Response`` instance.
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO -         :param error_code: String value of the expected error code
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO -         """
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO - >       assert response.status == errors[error_code]
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO - E       assert 200 == 404
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO - E         +200
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO - E         -404
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO - 
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO - error_code = 'no such shadow root'
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO - response   = <[ValueError('Sign not allowed in string format specifier',) raised in repr()] Response object at 0x7f12fd58c6d8>
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.323Z] 06:12:00     INFO - 
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.324Z] 06:12:00     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/support/ AssertionError
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.332Z] 06:12:00     INFO - ..........
[task 2023-02-02T06:12:00.332Z] 06:12:00     INFO - TEST-OK | /webdriver/tests/execute_script/ | took 14623ms

The exact failure is here:

[task 2023-02-02T06:11:55.148Z] 06:11:55     INFO - PID 2867 | 1675318315147	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/7233d436-3979-4e93-90e6-39f9df6eb030/execute/sync {"script": "return true;", "args": [{"shadow-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf": "8e7f740e-2528-43ff-91ea-e70f64eecf76"}]}
[task 2023-02-02T06:11:55.191Z] 06:11:55     INFO - PID 2867 | 1675318315191	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2023-02-02T06:11:55.246Z] 06:11:55     INFO - STDOUT: FAILED

As such this bug basically depends on bug 1761634.

Depends on: 1761634
Moving bug to Remote Protocol::Marionette component per bug 1815831.
Component: geckodriver → Marionette
Product: Testing → Remote Protocol
Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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