Open Bug 1819566 Opened 1 year ago Updated 5 months ago

Thunderbird start-up conflict - Please wait - cannot connect to (email address), the folder is being processed


(Thunderbird :: General, defect)

Thunderbird 102


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Royal_Blue, Unassigned, NeedInfo)



(Keywords: dupeme)


(1 file)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/110.0

Steps to reproduce:

Open Thunderbird - and nothing further from me.

Actual results:

When Thunderbird starts up, it automatically goes to download any waiting emails, but at the same time it automatically decides to 'process the folder', and so produces an error message saying 'please wait'. Both processes are initiated within Thunderbird, but conflict with each other.

Expected results:

Thunderbird should 'wait' before trying the second operation, rather than it initiate conflicting operations at the same time. It is not a 'user request' to do these, both 'commands' come from within Thunderbird.

What is the complete error message? What makes you think this is a "conflict"?

It appears when computer starts up ( so not able to view right now). It says "Please wait - cannot connect to (email address), the folder is being processed. (or as close to that as I can remember)
It IS a conflict in that Thunderbird has decided to do both tasks at the same time, without me asking it to do anything except 'open', and Thunderbird decides to carry out both operations at the same time, and hence comes back with the 'please wait'. error.
(There is no 'error code', if that is what you are asking) This has been a problem for many months (ie not 'new' from a recent update). I will see if I can grab a screen shot when next it happens. (Sometimes multiple messages if it is checking more than one email account).

Summary: Thunderbird start-up conflict → Thunderbird start-up conflict - Please wait - cannot connect to (email address), the folder is being processed

Attached is the error message mentioned - sometimes it will appear more than once, ie for each email account.

Component: Untriaged → General
Keywords: dupeme

If you were on at least 102.3.2, then this sounds like Bug 707933 - Global inbox, Local Folders, access not serialized/synchronized when automatically checking multiple POP3 accounts every n minutes causing POP3_MESSAGE_FOLDER_BUSY error "This folder is being processed. Please wait until processing is complete..."

See Also: → 707933

Peter, is this an imap acccount?

Flags: needinfo?(Royal_Blue)

If I knew what an imap account was, I could tell you -- all the accounts are connected to a POP3 server for downloads, and SMTP (if I have letters right) for upload. The problam is no better than when first reported. ALL I do is tell Thunderbird to open - IT decides to do whatever it is 'processing, and IT decides to downloa mail from the isp server . Seeing your earlier message above (not seen before) - yes, there are 4 email addresses that Thunderbird links to - but Thunderbird should, surely, be able to manage that without a difficulty. Your line above does sound to be the same error .

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