Closed Bug 1822903 Opened 1 year ago Closed 7 months ago

[meta] Make raptor and talos python 3.11 compatible and provide a better message to users when incompatibility is found


(Testing :: Raptor, enhancement, P3)



(firefox122 fixed)

Tracking Status
firefox122 --- fixed


(Reporter: kshampur, Unassigned)


(Blocks 2 open bugs)


(Keywords: meta, Whiteboard: [fxp])

I believe Fedora 37 default ships 3.11, additionally users may be on 3.11 as well for other reasons on different operating systems

There a few things to do/consider

  • For this bug it may be as simple as having the necessary py3.11 whl's uploaded to the internal pypi

  • We could also reintroduce a warning exception requesting a downgrade, like in Bug 1778573, that we manually bump the max version of (so after this upgrade we'd set it to eg. <3.12)

  • Additionally there is a cryptic message (Bug 1822672, comment 0) which needs looking into

See Also: → 1822672
Summary: Make raptor and talos python 3.11 compatible provide better message to users when incompatibility is found → Make raptor and talos python 3.11 compatible and provide a better message to users when incompatibility is found
Summary: Make raptor and talos python 3.11 compatible and provide a better message to users when incompatibility is found → [meta] Make raptor and talos python 3.11 compatible and provide a better message to users when incompatibility is found
Depends on: 1823972
See Also: → 1847289
Depends on: 1847806
Depends on: dev-pain
No longer depends on: 1823972
Blocks: dev-pain
Depends on: 1823972
No longer depends on: dev-pain
Duplicate of this bug: 1822672

from a quick look it seems some of the dependencies like scipy, numpy, opencv, etc could be updated in our pypi for 3.11 compat
we will have to update these version numbers after

Blocks: 1844396
Depends on: 1855214
Depends on: 1864106

I didn't realize before but I actually can run Talos tests with python 3.11. So I will close this bug now thanks to Bug 1864106 being landed

Closed: 7 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
See Also: → 1875940
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