Open Bug 1824520 Opened 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

High GPU memory under gfx/webrender/textures and gpu-committed


(Core :: Graphics: WebRender, defect)

Firefox 111
Windows 10





(Reporter: jmonis, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: memory-footprint)


(2 files)

1.15 MB, application/x-gzip
58.27 KB, application/json
Attached file memory-report.json.gz

I switched to Firefox in December ahead of Google mandating Manifest V3 (which they've temporarily held back on, but hadn't at the time), and almost immediately noticed extremely high GPU memory utilization - basically all of my 6GB of VRAM on my desktop is constantly allocated. This is a known issue, as evidenced by tickets 1701643 and 1715957; I was going to comment on those instead of opening a new one, but I was advised that it would be best to open a new one since they're so old.

As per those threads, it's caused by large numbers of tabs/windows, which is a pretty fixed aspect of my workflow, and it's not been a problem thus far because I've been on Chrome. How feasible is it that this could be fixed at this point? I understand that there's more high priority stuff and that this is potentially a huge undertaking - I just want to know what is reasonable to expect so I can plan accordingly.

Also, apologies if I've done anything wrong with this submission, first time doing this.

Component: General → Performance
Product: Firefox → Core

This bug was moved into the Performance component.

:jmonis, could you make sure the following information is on this bug?

  • For slowness or high CPU usage, capture a profile with, upload it and share the link here.
  • ✅ For memory usage issues, capture a memory dump from about:memory and attach it to this bug.
  • Troubleshooting information: Go to about:support, click "Copy raw data to clipboard", paste it into a file, save it, and attach the file here.

If the requested information is already in the bug, please confirm it is recent.

Thank you.

Flags: needinfo?(jmonis)
Attached file about.json

Adding the about:support data taken at the same time that the memory report was taken.

Flags: needinfo?(jmonis)

I'm not seeing high CPU usage (as far as I know - not sure what normal is), so I'm assuming the profiler is unnecessary; please let me know if it actually is required.

This bug was moved into the Performance component.

:jmonis, could you make sure the following information is on this bug?

  • For slowness or high CPU usage, capture a profile with, upload it and share the link here.
  • ✅ For memory usage issues, capture a memory dump from about:memory and attach it to this bug.
  • ~~✅ Troubleshooting information: Go to about:support, click "Copy raw data to clipboard", paste it into a file, save it, and attach the file here.

If the requested information is already in the bug, please confirm it is recent.

Thank you.

Flags: needinfo?(jmonis)

Yes, the required information is on the bug. I'm also adding a profile here, but it's short and taken at idle since I don't know what workload I'm supposed to be profiling.

Flags: needinfo?(jmonis)

Moving to Gfx to let Graphic folks handle this :)

Component: Performance → Graphics: WebRender
Severity: -- → S3

The GPU process has this which doesn't look too bad:

438.69 MB (100.0%) -- explicit
├──352.06 MB (80.25%) -- gfx
│ ├──351.56 MB (80.14%) -- webrender
│ │ ├──191.49 MB (43.65%) ── swgl

The WebRender textures stuff looks pretty high:
4,412.09 MB (100.0%) -- gfx
└──4,412.09 MB (100.0%) -- webrender
├──4,269.35 MB (96.76%) -- textures
│ ├──1,712.00 MB (38.80%) ── render-targets
│ ├──1,562.10 MB (35.40%) -- texture-cache
│ │ ├──1,493.00 MB (33.84%) ── atlas

This value is also quite high:
4,499.40 MB ── gpu-committed

I don't know if this is a consequence of the larger number of windows or if something can be done.

Bug 1827696 is another issue somebody filed with high gpu-committed.

See Also: → 1827696
Summary: GPU memory constantly full → High GPU memory under gfx/webrender/textures and gpu-committed
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