Open Bug 1833285 Opened 1 year ago Updated 10 months ago

Attempting to delete MacOSX book prevents it starting again - requires restoring backup profile


(Thunderbird :: Address Book, defect)

Thunderbird 114


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: mitra_lists, Unassigned)




  • Navigate to ~/Library/Thunderbird/Profiles
  • Make a copy of the profile - this is a profile losing bug!
  • Open Address Book
  • Right click ... next to MacOS Address book
  • Delete

Nothing appears to happen - I tried to delete it again,
Then exit TB and attempt to restart
It prompted for master password, opened blank window.
At this point it usually sits for 3 minutes (see bug#1831673) but in this case after 15 minutes there was still no response and it still showed "Application not responding".

To get your profile back
Navigate back to ~/Library/Thunderbird/Profiles and restore your old profile

Blocks: tb-mac

One thought ... I have a saved search that references that address book (looks for any message in Inbox where the sender is not in my address book), and wonder if that could be effecting things.

Thanks for filing the bug. So there is yet another condition that can cause a startup issue.
Maybe something in bug 1662759 comment 28 will hint at the cause.

See Also: → 1662759
See Also: → 1831673 provides multiple ways to set up the profile directory (clone, etc) so it should be possible to find the regression range. Unless of course this bug has existed forever.

Flags: needinfo?(mitra_lists)

Problem should mark this WontFix - I don't have the energy to go through the installing multiple stuff, setting up cloned directories etc to figure out the regression range.

Flags: needinfo?(mitra_lists)

Perhaps someone else will want to take a crack at reproducing.

Flags: needinfo?(vseerror)

I tried to delete the "Mac OS X Address Book" in two TB 115 test profiles via R-click > Delete.
The first time nothing happened, so I tried the same maneuver a second time.
This time the "beachball" began turning , TB was completely freezing after 15 to 20 seconds and I had to force-quit the application.
On restarting TB the Mac OS X Address Book was gone.
This happened in both profiles. I didn't notice evidence of profile damage but nevertheless I advocate a profile backup before deleting the Mac OS X Address Book.

I don't see this as significantly improving TB's capability on Mac (it's just a bad bug), so removing the meta.

No longer blocks: tb-mac
Flags: needinfo?(vseerror)
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