Closed Bug 1833426 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Intermittent /webdriver/tests/get_element_attribute/ | test_accept[capabilities0-alert-None] - webdriver.error.NoSuchElementException: no such element (404): Unable to locate element: #foo


(Remote Protocol :: Marionette, defect, P5)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure)

Filed by: ncsoregi [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.490Z] 13:32:59     INFO - STDOUT: ================================== FAILURES ===================================
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.491Z] 13:32:59     INFO - STDOUT: ____________________ test_accept[capabilities0-alert-None] ____________________
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.492Z] 13:32:59     INFO - STDOUT: check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception = <function check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception.<locals>.check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception at 0x000001F1800ECDC0>
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.494Z] 13:32:59     INFO - STDOUT: dialog_type = 'alert', retval = None
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.494Z] 13:32:59     INFO - STDOUT:     @pytest.mark.capabilities({"unhandledPromptBehavior": "accept"})
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.495Z] 13:32:59     INFO - STDOUT:     @pytest.mark.parametrize("dialog_type, retval", [
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.495Z] 13:32:59     INFO - STDOUT:         ("alert", None),
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.496Z] 13:32:59     INFO - STDOUT:         ("confirm", True),
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.504Z] 13:32:59     INFO - 
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.504Z] 13:32:59     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /webdriver/tests/get_element_attribute/ | test_accept[capabilities0-alert-None] - webdriver.error.NoSuchElementException: no such element (404): Unable to locate element: #foo
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.504Z] 13:32:59     INFO - check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception = <function check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception.<locals>.check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception at 0x000001F1800ECDC0>
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.504Z] 13:32:59     INFO - dialog_type = 'alert', retval = None
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.504Z] 13:32:59     INFO - 
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.504Z] 13:32:59     INFO -     @pytest.mark.capabilities({"unhandledPromptBehavior": "accept"})
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.504Z] 13:32:59     INFO -     @pytest.mark.parametrize("dialog_type, retval", [
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.504Z] 13:32:59     INFO -         ("alert", None),
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.504Z] 13:32:59     INFO -         ("confirm", True),
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.504Z] 13:32:59     INFO -         ("prompt", ""),
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.504Z] 13:32:59     INFO -     ])
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.504Z] 13:32:59     INFO -     def test_accept(check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception, dialog_type, retval):
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.504Z] 13:32:59     INFO - >       check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception(dialog_type, retval)
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.504Z] 13:32:59     INFO - 
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.504Z] 13:32:59     INFO - check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception = <function check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception.<locals>.check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception at 0x000001F1800ECDC0>
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.505Z] 13:32:59     INFO - dialog_type = 'alert'
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.505Z] 13:32:59     INFO - retval     = None
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.505Z] 13:32:59     INFO - 
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.508Z] 13:32:59     INFO - E           webdriver.error.NoSuchElementException: no such element (404): Unable to locate element: #foo
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.508Z] 13:32:59     INFO - E           
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.508Z] 13:32:59     INFO - E           Remote-end stacktrace:
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.508Z] 13:32:59     INFO - E           
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.508Z] 13:32:59     INFO - E           RemoteError@chrome://remote/content/shared/RemoteError.sys.mjs:8:8
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.508Z] 13:32:59     INFO - E           WebDriverError@chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Errors.sys.mjs:183:5
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.508Z] 13:32:59     INFO - E           NoSuchElementError@chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Errors.sys.mjs:395:5
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.509Z] 13:32:59     INFO - E           element.find/</<@chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Element.sys.mjs:132:16
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.509Z] 13:32:59     INFO - 
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.509Z] 13:32:59     INFO - body       = {'using': 'css selector', 'value': '#foo'}
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.509Z] 13:32:59     INFO - err        = <NoSuchElementException http_status=404>
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.509Z] 13:32:59     INFO - method     = 'POST'
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.509Z] 13:32:59     INFO - response   = <Response status=404 error=<NoSuchElementException http_status=404>>
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.509Z] 13:32:59     INFO - self       = <Session e5068c2c-0a65-493a-9884-6f06692f693f>
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.509Z] 13:32:59     INFO - timeout    = None
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.510Z] 13:32:59     INFO - url        = 'session/e5068c2c-0a65-493a-9884-6f06692f693f/element'
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.510Z] 13:32:59     INFO - 
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.510Z] 13:32:59     INFO - tests\web-platform\tests\tools\webdriver\webdriver\ NoSuchElementException
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:59.516Z] 13:32:59     INFO - .................

We ended up on about:blank and not the test page:

[task 2023-05-16T13:32:30.823Z] 13:32:30     INFO - PID 3976 | 1684243950818	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/e5068c2c-0a65-493a-9884-6f06692f693f/url {"url": "http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/"}
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:30.823Z] 13:32:30     INFO - PID 3976 | 1684243950818	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,7,"WebDriver:Navigate",{"url":"http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/"}]
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:30.826Z] 13:32:30     INFO - PID 3976 | 1684243950824	Marionette	TRACE	[3] Received event beforeunload for about:blank
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:30.838Z] 13:32:30     INFO - PID 3976 | 1684243950840	Marionette	TRACE	Remoteness change detected. Set new top-level browsing context to 3
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:30.847Z] 13:32:30     INFO - PID 3976 | 1684243950845	Marionette	TRACE	[3] Received event pagehide for about:blank
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:31.669Z] 13:32:31     INFO - PID 3976 | 1684243951676	Marionette	TRACE	[3] Received event beforeunload for about:blank
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:31.680Z] 13:32:31     INFO - PID 3976 | 1684243951680	Marionette	TRACE	[3] Received event pagehide for about:blank
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:31.692Z] 13:32:31     INFO - PID 3976 | 1684243951693	Marionette	TRACE	[3] Received event DOMContentLoaded for about:blank
[task 2023-05-16T13:32:31.695Z] 13:32:31     INFO - PID 3976 | 1684243951694	Marionette	TRACE	[3] Received event pageshow for about:blank
Depends on: 1664165
Closed: 2 years ago
Duplicate of bug: 1832167
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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