Open Bug 1846053 Opened 10 months ago Updated 5 months ago

[meta] "Add to home screen" onboarding experiment


(Fenix :: Onboarding, task, P2)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: jmahon, Unassigned)



(Keywords: meta, Whiteboard: [fxdroid])

We want to run an experiment where we add search widget to first-run onboarding.

A new onboarding card should be landed (using the Nimbus-powered Onboarding infrastructure built in H1) and new functionality should be built so that card's primary action button triggers a prompt to add the Firefox Search bar widget to the system home screen.

Finally, the corresponding experiment configuration should be landed.

Experiment brief:

Depends on: 1848960
Depends on: 1848975

The Android team has not been keeping our P1 bug list up to date, so we're resetting all our P1 bugs to P2 to avoid signalling that we're actively working on bugs that we're not. The BMO documentation says P1 means "fix in the current release cycle" and P2 means "fix in the next release cycle or the following (nightly + 1 or nightly + 2)".

If you are actively working on this bug and expect to ship it in Fx 122 or 123, then please restore the priority back to P1.

Priority: P1 → P2
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