Open Bug 1847700 Opened 10 months ago Updated 10 months ago

Attach an unobstrusive OpenPGP digital signature to most emails that Thunderbird sends


(MailNews Core :: Security: OpenPGP, enhancement)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: KaiE, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: project-tracker)

This is just a project idea at this point, but I'd like to track it,
as explained here:

The idea is that most Thunderbird users could get a signing key mostly automatically (strictly signing-only, not capable of encryption by default), and to include it in the email header of outgoing emails (e.g. in the autocrypt compatible header), and perhaps also sign most emails by default. With key distribution as a preparation, and by tracking key continuity per correspondent, it could be easier for people to switch to use OpenPGP email encryption

We'd have to ensure that digital signatures aren't perceived as disturbing, and bug 1847695 could potentially be a way to achieve that.

Summary: Use OpenPGP digital signatures for most emails by default → Attach an unobstrusive OpenPGP digital signature to most emails that Thunderbird sends
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