Closed Bug 1849008 Opened 11 months ago Closed 10 months ago

Toolbar is shown above the menu bar


(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, defect)

Thunderbird 115


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: allo, Unassigned)



(1 file)

Since the upgrade to Thunderbird 115 in Debian testing, the toolbar is shown above the menu bar.

See attachment.

Happens both with "Hide system window titlebar" on and off.

Hi Alex
There has been much chatter about this and people, including myself, have requested the Menu Bar to be at the top.
This comment offers more comprehensive explanation on why it was positioned in that location.

Therefore it is not seen as a defect and seems it will not be considered as an enhancement.
However, you can use 'userChrome.css to move Menu Bar to the top.
then enable the titlebar to get the buttons for min, max and close.
Take a look at this question in Support Forum for full instructions. Person was using Windows, so I advised them to use Notepad, in your case I'm not sure what you have available but a simple text editor program would work.

The userChrome fix is fine for me now, but I do not know any other program that places anything above the menu bar.
The first few times I always thought the menu bar is hidden and later I was still searching for it each time even when I knew that it is there. Menubar and titlebar are just things that belong together on Windows and Linux (not on macOS).

Another question, when I already posted a screenshot: Is the text darkgrey on lightgrey on purpose, or is a bug?

It makes it hard to read the UI and I would prefer to have it black on grey again (possibly also via userChrome?). It also looks like the contrast gets even smaller when the window loses focus.

I'm using Windows and dark theme as it offers the greatest contrast and I've got used to it not glaring at me :)
I've swapped to Light to test and contrast is not that good especially if not got focus. It improves when window has focus.
I see the same as your image when Thunderbird window does not have focus.

Please check the Addons & Themes > Themes
Are you using 'System theme' or 'Light' theme ?

Flags: needinfo?(allo)

Indeed, it's the light theme! I thought the "system theme - automatic" just switches between light and dark based on the system preferences, but system theme gives me black on gray. If the window loses focus the black turns to darkgrey, but has more contrast than the screenshot.

I think the screenshot also shows an unfocused window because the screenshot tool had focus.

Now with the menubar at top, the Breeze theme also works, which has a slightly lighter font color but matches the Plasma desktop. With the menubar below the toolbar most alternative themes looked bad, so I switched to light.

Flags: needinfo?(allo)
Closed: 10 months ago
Duplicate of bug: 1822991
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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