Closed Bug 1849021 Opened 9 months ago Closed 8 months ago

Temporarily disable some Tier 2 a11y_checks for DevTools while the larger a11y improvement work is in progress


(DevTools :: General, task)



(firefox120 fixed)

120 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox120 --- fixed


(Reporter: ayeddi, Assigned: ayeddi)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: access)


(2 files)

We are working on enabling Tier 2 a11y-checks to ensure our products have basic accessibility built-in (bug 1692110) and before that, we need to prepare the existing code base. While we triage and investigate existent tests that would fail once the a11y-checks are enabled in the CI, we are going to skip the failing tests altogether and then handle each one of them individually.

This task is to skip with fail-if condition of the failing tests while the ongoing accessibility improvement work is ongoing and we continue investigation into the reasons these tests failed and to be able to backtrack these tests once they're resolved. A separate task to investigate the failed Tier 2 a11y_checks will be filed for an appropriate component.

Jobs affected:

  1. test-linux1804-64-qr/opt-mochitest-devtools-chrome-a11y-checks-1 (Try run)
  2. test-linux1804-64-qr/opt-mochitest-devtools-chrome-a11y-checks-2 (Try run)
  3. test-linux1804-64-qr/opt-mochitest-devtools-chrome-a11y-checks-3 (Try run)
  4. test-linux1804-64-qr/opt-mochitest-devtools-chrome-a11y-checks-4 (Try run)
  5. test-linux1804-64-qr/opt-mochitest-devtools-chrome-a11y-checks-5 (Try run)

Do not perform accessibility checks on files that fire click events on controls that should be keyboard accessible too (captured by testing/mochitest/tests/SimpleTest/AccessibilityUtils.js via bug 1692110) for which there are individual bugs filed.

When the individual test failures are resolved and the individual bugs are closed, remove the fail-if condition for a11y_checks for appropriate files/sections to ensure better test coverage and avoid regressions in a11y.

Blocks: 1849028
Component: General → Firefox UI Tests
QA Contact: hskupin

Some Tier 2 accessibility checks for click events fired on controls that should be keyboard accessible were failing for this component. They were captured by testing/mochitest/tests/SimpleTest/AccessibilityUtils.js via bug 1692110. These failing tests were temporarily skipped in the directory's browser.ini file. After the ongoing accessibility improvements work is completed, we'll need to re-run a11y-checks, investigate new failures, and for confirmed bugs individual defects should be filed.

When the individual test failures are resolved and the individual bugs are closed, remove the fail-if condition for a11y_checks from the appropriate files/sections to ensure better test coverage and to avoid regressions in a11y of these components.

Assignee: nobody → ayeddi
Attachment #9349322 - Attachment description: Bug 1849021 - Temporarily disable some Tier 2 a11y_checks for DevTools while the larger a11y improvement work is in progress. r=Honza!,Jamie → Bug 1849021 - Temporarily disable some Tier 2 a11y_checks for DevTools while the larger a11y improvement work is in progress. r=Honza,Jamie
Attachment #9349322 - Attachment description: Bug 1849021 - Temporarily disable some Tier 2 a11y_checks for DevTools while the larger a11y improvement work is in progress. r=Honza,Jamie → Bug 1849021 - Temporarily disable some Tier 2 a11y_checks for DevTools. r=devtools-reviewers,Jamie
Component: Firefox UI Tests → Accessibility Tools
Product: Testing → DevTools
QA Contact: hskupin
Component: Accessibility Tools → General
Attachment #9349322 - Attachment description: Bug 1849021 - Temporarily disable some Tier 2 a11y_checks for DevTools. r=devtools-reviewers,Jamie → Bug 1849021 - Temporarily disable some Tier 2 a11y_checks for DevTools while the larger a11y improvement work is in progress. r=Honza,Jamie

There are two main types of crashes that are tracked separately:

  1. application crashed [@ mozilla::detail::InvalidArrayIndex_CRASH] that is tracked in bug 1849230
  2. application crashed [@ operator==<mozilla::a11y::LocalAccessible, mozilla::a11y::LocalAccessible>] that is tracked in bug 1849179

Skipping the tests that have crashed on Try more than once during the bug 1849021 work until the intermittent issues are resolved.

Depends on D186405

Depends on D186405

Attachment #9349322 - Attachment description: Bug 1849021 - Temporarily disable some Tier 2 a11y_checks for DevTools while the larger a11y improvement work is in progress. r=Honza,Jamie → Bug 1849021 - Temporarily disable some Tier 2 a11y_checks for DevTools while the larger a11y improvement work is in progress. r=nchevobbe,julienw,#devtools-reviewers,#profiler-reviewers,Jamie
Attachment #9356749 - Attachment description: Bug 1849021 - Temporarily disable some Tier 2 a11y_checks for DevTools that cause crashes. r=Honza,Jamie → Bug 1849021 - Temporarily disable some Tier 2 a11y_checks for DevTools that cause crashes. r=nchevobbe,julienw,#devtools-reviewers,#profiler-reviewers,Jamie
Pushed by
Temporarily disable some Tier 2 a11y_checks for DevTools while the larger a11y improvement work is in progress. r=Jamie,devtools-reviewers,nchevobbe,profiler-reviewers,julienw
Temporarily disable some Tier 2 a11y_checks for DevTools that cause crashes. r=devtools-reviewers,profiler-reviewers,nchevobbe,julienw
Regressions: 1857639
Regressions: 1857648
Regressions: 1857663
Regressions: 1857665
Closed: 8 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 120 Branch
Attachment #9349322 - Attachment description: Bug 1849021 - Temporarily disable some Tier 2 a11y_checks for DevTools while the larger a11y improvement work is in progress. r=nchevobbe,julienw,#devtools-reviewers,#profiler-reviewers,Jamie → Bug 1849021 - Temporarily fail-if some Tier 2 a11y_checks for DevTools while the larger a11y improvement work is in progress. r=nchevobbe,julienw,#devtools-reviewers,#profiler-reviewers,Jamie
Pushed by
Temporarily fail-if some Tier 2 a11y_checks for DevTools while the larger a11y improvement work is in progress. r=Jamie,devtools-reviewers,nchevobbe,profiler-reviewers,julienw
Temporarily disable some Tier 2 a11y_checks for DevTools that cause crashes. r=devtools-reviewers,profiler-reviewers,nchevobbe,julienw
Closed: 8 months ago8 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 120 Branch
See Also: → 1858041
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