Open Bug 1849878 Opened 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago

Global Search filter unable to search on a specifc word or phrase


(Thunderbird :: Search, defect)

Thunderbird 102


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: anjeyelf, Unassigned)


(Keywords: dupeme)

This search problem has been around for a very long time and is seen in current 102.14.0 and is still present in beta 117.0b6

Using Global Search - Ctrl+K
In Global search type: "fix"
put the word fix in double quotes because you are looking for a specific word.

Global Search results will return anything that has those three letters in that specific order. Adding double quotes makes no difference.

See only search results for: fix
You will see returns like this: Affix, Fix, Fixed

Person needs to search for: "excel"
See only search results for: excel
You will see returns like this: excel, excellent, excellance

If you want to search on a specifc term: "fix this"
It will return a result : fix this
returned results: fix this and also Fixed. This
The double quotes seem to help to a degree as search results do not return every instance of the word 'this'. But it is still not exact phrase.

When a word or phrase is enclosed in double quotes then only the word or phase in double quotes is returned and nothing else.

These are frustrating for sure, but most certainly filed in multiple older bug reports.

Ever confirmed: false
Keywords: dupeme
Version: Thunderbird 117 → Thunderbird 102

In Global Search:
if I wanted to search for any word which started with 'con'
I could use the wildcard option "con*"
thus returning 'content' or 'consulting' or 'contained' etc
It would not return 'unconfirmed'.

This use of the * wildcard works as expected.
So there is already a working mechanism to locate a broader spectrum.
But there is no working means of identifying a specific word using double quotes.

It would be much appreciated possibly by an entire user base if this could be picked up by someone and finally resolved for the supernova 115* version.

This is out of scope for 115 but we're aiming at rebuilding and improving the global search implementation to make it faster and more powerful.
This won't happen before we rebuild our global message database.

Do we have a meta bug to track all "Global search improvements"?
Or we could close this and move it to a Mozilla Connect feature request/suggestion.

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