Closed Bug 18553 Opened 25 years ago Closed 23 years ago

[DOGFOOD] addEventListener allows sniffing keystrokes (at least)


(Core :: Security, defect, P1)

Windows 95





(Reporter: joro, Assigned: security-bugs)




(Whiteboard: [PDT+] [ETA 10/3])


(2 files)

addEventListener may be used to sniff keystrokes from other windows, probably do other mischief. It allows receiving events from other windows, e.g. entering information in a form. The code is: ----------------------------------------------""); function ev(event) { /* This could have been done better, but this is only a demo */ document.forms[0].elements[0].value += String.fromCharCode(event.which); } a.addEventListener("keyup",ev,true); ----------------------------------------------
Summary: addEventListener allows sniffing keystrokes (at least) → [DOGFOOD] addEventListener allows sniffing keystrokes (at least)
marking dogfood for consideration by PDT at jar's request.
Whiteboard: [PDT+]
Putting on PDT+ radar.
Tom, any suggestions on how to fix this one? I assume we need to do something similar to the checks in 4.x.
Yeah, if 4.x we didn't allow listening to events from frames/windows from other domains. I assume we can do the same here. We just have to decide whether to do the checking at listener registration or event dispatch. I'd lean towards registration off the top of my head.
joki: Can you point me to where the registration occurs?
So event listeners can be added via a number of techniques. We'll have to decide where we want to do checks. I'll use nsGlobalWindow as an example but much of this code also lives in nsDocument and nsGenericElement. They come in through attribute name checks in nsGenericHTMLElement::SetAttribute, they come in through script property name checks in each SetProperty calls in all three classes mentioned. And they come in through AddEventListener (and AddEventListenerByIID, and internal interface) in each of the three classes. These then enter the nsEventListenerManager code through slightly different paths due to differences between script and non-script handlers. I'm guessing we want to handle this in the central path inside nsEventListenerManager if we can. The most central location in there is in the nsEventListenerManager::AddEventListener method (same name as the function in question but different interface). -tom
Target Milestone: M12
Dogfood, putting on M12 radar.
Whiteboard: [PDT+] → [PDT+] Try for 12/3 -- risky
I notice that GlobalWindowImpl::EnableExternalCapture() is defined, but unimplemented. Was this intended for this purpose?
Proposal for fix: Add nsIPrincipal* parameter to nsEventListenerManager::AddEventListener. Propagate the principal down from the various callers--the principal will represent the creator of the window/document that is having a listener added. Then in nsEventListenerManager::AddEventListener, I'll add a call to get the current script (if any) that is attempting to add a listener and only allow it to proceed if it matches the principal that was passed down. (We could allow overriding the same origin check with a privilege.) How does that sound?
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: [PDT+] Try for 12/3 -- risky → [PDT+]
Fixed. there's still additional work to do to get allowed listening to work after bug 17351 is fixed, but it's no different than other problems revealed by that bug.
Blocks: 20203
QA Contact: junruh → dshea
Windows NT 1999120208 Comm Verified ...'[Exception... "Security error"'...
Component: Security → Security: General
Bulk moving all Browser Security bugs to new Security: General component. The previous Security component for Browser will be deleted.
No longer blocks: 20203
Reopening the bug. I ran the above url on the 2001-09-20-Branch build and whatever I type in the yahoo search window it appears in the test case browser window.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Verified on Linux and Mac as well and the above bug is reproducible on both of these platforms as well.
Keywords: nsbranch+
QA Contact: dshea → bsharma
Target Milestone: M12 → ---
Changing Status Whiteboard from [PDT+] to just PDT.
Whiteboard: [PDT+] → PDT
-> mitch
Assignee: nboyd → mstoltz
Pls provide a ETA in the Status Whiteboard.
Whiteboard: PDT → [PDT] [ETA ?]
Looking at it...
Group: security?
Severity: normal → major
Priority: P3 → P1
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.5
Whiteboard: [PDT] [ETA ?] → [PDT] [ETA 10/1]
The problem is that immediately after a window is opened, the location of the window is about:blank, and anyone can add an event listener to about:blank. When the window contents load, its URL and principal change, but the event listeners remain. Normally, when a new document loads, everything previously added to the window object gets blown away, except when the previous document is about:blank, as it is in this case. We had a similar problem with JS watchpoints; now those are cleared with every new document load, including the first. The patch above clears event listeners every time; this solves the security problem. I did some basic precheckin tests, and nothing seems to be broken internally, but this may break some sites which expect things added to the window object before the page laods to persist after the page has loaded. We may be violating a de facto or explicit standard here. Unfortunately, I don't see any other way of fixing this rather serious security problem. I will get this reviewed and checked in on the trunk, and see what breaks.
Comment on attachment 51360 [details] [diff] [review] Patch - always delete event handlers when loading new document, including the first r=heikki for fix on the trunk so we get some test coverage. In the origibal code JS_ClearScope() was called after removing event listeners; in this new code that might happen. can this cause leaks/state whackiness or something?
Attachment #51360 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 51360 [details] [diff] [review] Patch - always delete event handlers when loading new document, including the first sr=vidur I have concerns about regressions in pages that do expect event handlers set on about:blank to stick around (onload handlers, for example), but I can't think of a reasonable, simple alternative to plugging this hole.
Attachment #51360 - Flags: superreview+
pls stop by the PIT on Monday @ noon for PDT review.
I share Vidur's concerns about this change, I tried tracking down this change to figure out if this code was added to fix a specific bug, bug I can't find a reference to a specific bug. I'm quite sure this will regress pages that open windows and set onload handlers to figure out when the first document in the window is done loading. This is something that can be done in 4.x, but it seems like IE 5 doesn't support this so maybe it's not such a big deal. I'm ok with testing this fix out on the trunk for a while, but I wouldn't put this on the branch w/o letting it sit on the trunk for a few days first.
I've checked it in on the trunk - how many days do we have before the branch is done with? Johnny, what if we deleted all event handlers except onLoad? Allowing onLoad handlers to persist doesn't reveal much information (other than the load time, and I can live with that). How difficult would that be, and would it eliminate some potential problems?
[from my reply to private email from mstoltz wrt clearing all except onload] I think that would be a reasonable thing to do for now. I think I now know why the current code works the way it does, we don't mind if all event handlers are cleared when we leave about:blank, that's not the real reason for this code. The reason we don't call RemoveAllListeners() in GlobalWindowImpl::SetNewDocument() when we're "leaving" about:blank is to make; w.onload=...; w.document.write(...) work w/o loosing the onload, or any other, event handlers. IMO we should at some point fix this so that we either know in SetNewDocument() if we should remove event listeners, or we should make not call SetNewDocument()... If plugging this security hole at this point is important then removing all event handlers except onload would probably be ok, if it's not all that important then I'd say leave it as is until we have time to fix the real problem here. [end of my reply] As for how hard writing the code that only clears all except onload I don't know exactly, it might even be easier to fix this the right way. To fix this the right way, or a more correct way at least, we'd need a flag to nsIScriptGlobalObject::SetNewDocument() that would tell us wether or not to clear event handlers, this would require an API change in a private interface, but code wise doing that should be trivial.
I don't understand - under what conditions do we not want to remove event handlers in SetNewDocument? Where does the value of that flag come from?
When GlobalWindowImpl::SetNewDocument() is called from nsHTMLDocument::Open() we do *not* want to remove event listeners, in all other cases it's ok to remove them AFAIK.
Sounds reasonable...and easier than my proposal. If a script calls, then it assumes ownership of the document. Are there any other cases that don't involve which involve setting event handlers before the first document loads, and which we shouldn't break? Any other behaviors that script writers count on?
Comment on attachment 51589 [details] [diff] [review] New patch - always delete event listeners in setNewDocument *except* when called from Looks good to me, sr=jst
Attachment #51589 - Flags: superreview+
pls land this on the trunk, and let's look at it again tomorrow for the branch.
Whiteboard: [PDT] [ETA 10/1] → [PDT] [ETA 10/3]
Checked in on the trunk (yesterday - the change is in today's builds). No problems reported yet. Let's consider putting it on the branch tomorrow.
Checked in on the branch with verbal PDT+ from Clayton and Jaime.
Closed: 25 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: [PDT] [ETA 10/3] → [PDT+] [ETA 10/3]
Verified on 20001-10-10-Branch build on WinNT Ran the test case and it works fine.
Group: security?
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