Closed Bug 185820 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Only a one bookmark at a time can be exported from Mozilla History or Bookmarks.


(SeaMonkey :: Bookmarks & History, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kaleida, Assigned: p_ch)


User-Agent:       Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
Build Identifier: 1.2.1

 Multiple bookmarks can be selected in Mozilla History and in Mozilla 
Bookmarks. However, more than one History or Bookmarks bookmark cannot 
be dragged and dropped to another folder.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1.Select any two bookmarks in Mozilla History.
2. Drag and drop them to another folder.
3. Select any two bookmarks in Mizilla Bookmarks.
2. Frag and drop them to another folder.

Actual Results:  
No bookmarks are exported.

Expected Results:  
Both bookmarks should have been exported from both Gistory and from Bookmarks.
This bug still has not  been fixed. I verified it in Mozilla 1.5 for Windows.
Of course it hasn't been fixed - or have you seen some progress in this bug?

Drag and drop for multiple bookmarks works for me with 1.5 on windows.

In history the entries cannot be dragged around by design. It shows where you
have been, Bookmarks are for your personal arrangement.

However, dragging multiple history entries to bookmarks should work and it does not!
So may I assume that it is ok to assign your bug to this one specific problem?
(_One_ bug report should be about _one_ problem only, anyway...)
Assignee: bugs → p_ch
QA Contact: claudius → seamonkey.bookmarks
Bug reporter writes in personal mail:

> I was referring to a Windows Folder, not to a Mozilla folder. For example,
> you can drag and drop any bookmark from the Mozilla Bookmark Manager window
> to your Windows Favorites folder. Open any Windows folder and make sure that
> it is visible so that you could drag and drop Mozilla bookmarks onto it.
> This is the easiest way to export bookmarks to favorites.
> However, if you select more than one bookmark and drag them to a Windows
> folder, Mozilla fails to export them as favorites. If this bug is fixed, one
> should be able to select all the bookmarks and export them to any Windows
> folder as favorites.

kaleida, please respond in the bugs so everybody can see it...

Ok, so this is a duplicate of bug 111866.
(For what you want to work, bug 94465 also needs to be fixed.)

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 111866 ***
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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