Closed Bug 1858546 Opened 7 months ago Closed 6 months ago

[wmfme] load external Widevine L1 CDM library


(Core :: Audio/Video: Playback, task, P2)




122 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox122 --- fixed


(Reporter: alwu, Assigned: alwu)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(3 files, 2 obsolete files)

Currently we haven't figured out a way to deploy Widevine L1 library on Firefox, this bug is used to handle that and assign the correct library path. In addition, we also need to figure the sandbox restriction for loading the external library.

After landing bug 1862051, we will be able to get Widevine L1 dll by adding following prefs to all.js

pref("media.gmp-widevinecdm-l1.visible", true);
pref("media.gmp-widevinecdm-l1.enabled", true);
pref("media.gmp-widevinecdm-l1.forceInstall", true);
pref("media.gmp.log.dump", true);
pref("media.gmp.log.level", 0);

Then there will be a gmp-widevinecdm-l1 folder under the $PROFILE. Eg. My Widevine dll is put in C:\mozilla-source\mozilla-unified\obj-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\tmp\profile-default\gmp-widevinecdm-l1\1.0.2512.1.

Then we need to

  1. pass the path of L1 dll to here
  2. disable Cig for the CDM process, Widevine L1 can't work with this mitigation enabled.
  3. add dll path to mAllowedFilesRead when starting the CDM process (in my testing, I added the code here)
  4. add dll path to LPAC to get the permission, like this

In my own testing, I can confirm that Firefox can play Widevine L1 when LPAC is enabled.

Group: mozilla-employee-confidential
Depends on: 1862051

(In reply to Alastor Wu [:alwu] from comment #1)

Then we need to

  1. pass the path of L1 dll to here
  2. disable Cig for the CDM process, Widevine L1 can't work with this mitigation enabled.
  3. add dll path to mAllowedFilesRead when starting the CDM process (in my testing, I added the code here)
  4. add dll path to LPAC to get the permission, like this

In my own testing, I can confirm that Firefox can play Widevine L1 when LPAC is enabled.

I think that if we do 4 (which seems like the better option), we won't need 3.

Depends on D192888

Depends on D192889

Attachment #9362234 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Blocks: 1863800
Attachment #9362232 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1858546 - part1 : load Widevine L1 dll. → Bug 1858546 - part1 : load Widevine L1 dll.
Attachment #9362233 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1858546 - part2 : diable Cig for MFCDM process. → Bug 1858546 - part2 : diable Cig for MFCDM process.
Attachment #9362237 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1858546 - part3 : ensure LPAC permission on Widevine L1 path. → Bug 1858546 - part3 : ensure LPAC permission on Widevine L1 path.
Attachment #9362232 - Attachment description: Bug 1858546 - part1 : load Widevine L1 dll. → Bug 1858546 - part1 : store L1 path in gfx variable.

Depends on D192889

Attachment #9362237 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9362232 - Attachment description: Bug 1858546 - part1 : store L1 path in gfx variable. → Bug 1858546 - part1 : ensure LPAC permission on Widevine L1 path.
Pushed by
part1 : ensure LPAC permission on Widevine L1 path. r=bobowen,aosmond
part2 : diable Cig for MFCDM process. r=bobowen
part3 : load Wideinve L1 dll. r=aosmond
Flags: needinfo?(alwu)
Pushed by
part1 : ensure LPAC permission on Widevine L1 path. r=bobowen,aosmond
part2 : diable Cig for MFCDM process. r=bobowen
part3 : load Wideinve L1 dll. r=aosmond
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