Closed Bug 1859785 Opened 8 months ago Closed 4 months ago

Same search terms across different engines are using the same moz_historyform (update)


(Firefox :: Address Bar, defect, P2)

Firefox 120



124 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox-esr115 --- unaffected
firefox118 --- unaffected
firefox119 --- unaffected
firefox120 --- wontfix
firefox121 --- wontfix
firefox124 --- fixed


(Reporter: aflorinescu, Assigned: daleharvey)


(Blocks 3 open bugs)


(Whiteboard: [sng])


(2 files)


Found in

  • Nightly 120.0a1;

Affected versions

  • Nightly 120.0a1;

Tested platforms

  • Windows 10;
  • Ubuntu 22;
  • macOS 13;


  • browser.urlbar.recentsearches.featureGate set to true
  • browser.urlbar.suggest.recentsearches set to true

Steps to reproduce

  1. Launch Firefox with the profile from preconditions.
  2. Have a search done with default engine(A) for search_term any time. (e.g. in the past - let's say 2 months ago - below STR cover this scenario, or just recently - for more recent searches, the recent search order will get changed by same search done on different engine)
  3. Focus the Address Bar and perform some searches(x,y,z) using the default search engine(A).
  4. Focus the Address Bar and notice the Recent Searches.
  5. Use search shortcut for any engine, but the default engineA - e.g. @engineB search_term
  6. Focus the Address Bar and notice the Recent Searches.
  7. Change default engine to the engineB, focus the Address Bar and notice the Recent Searches.

Expected result

  • step 4 - Recent Search display x,y,z for engine(A)
  • step6 - Recent Search display x,y,z for engine(A)
  • step7 - Recent search display search_term for engine(B)

Actual result

  • step 4 - Recent Search display x,y,z for engine(A)
  • step6 - Recent Search display x,y,z, search_term for engine(A)
  • step7 - Recent search display search_term for engine(B)

Regression range

  • Not a regression.
See Also: → 1858978

:aflorinescu, if you think that's a regression, could you try to find a regression range using for example mozregression?

Priority: -- → P2
Whiteboard: [sng]

As discussed with :dharvey and :hmosety, this is not in scope for 120 experiment, hence will not be fixed for 120 version, marking as such for visibility.

Assignee: nobody → dharvey
Duplicate of this bug: 1878520
Blocks: 1877399
Pushed by
Only show recent searches since last engine change. r=daisuke
Closed: 4 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 124 Branch
Flags: qe-verify+
Attached video recent.mp4

Hey Dale.
Can you please elaborate how this patch affects the functionality for Recent Searches? At first glance, seems like this bug isn't fixed yet(see recording), in addition now not having the historical recent searches done with other engines before the default engine switch.

Flags: needinfo?(dharvey)

Hey Adrian, answering here so its easier to look back on.

You are right, for this fix I was concentrating on the situation where the other searches were performed because the user had switched default engines, when the user performs searches with non default engines then it is still possible to have them in an unexpected order.

I will clone this one so we dont get confused about tracking the patch, fixing that situation may end up in a wontfix, its likely on the big side of a code fix for what is a minor issue, but but not certain about that so will reopen to reconsider.

Flags: needinfo?(dharvey)
Blocks: 1881521
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