Open Bug 1866845 Opened 6 months ago Updated 6 months ago

Improve focus logic in fxview-tab-list


(Firefox :: Firefox View, task, P3)





(Reporter: kcochrane, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [fidefe-firefox-view])

Adding this as a follow-up to bug 1859788 (see this comment specifically). We want to do two things if possible:

  1. Remove the manual requestUpdate() and updateComplete calls on every sublist in the root virtual-list. There should theoretically be a way to have property updates on the top-level virtual-list (such as activeIndex) that trigger a re-render on sublists.
  2. Use scrollIntoView() only when necessary when focusing and use { block: "nearest" } rather than { block: "center" } if possible given the sticky header obscuring some of the items towards the top of the viewport.
Severity: -- → N/A
Depends on: 1859788
Priority: -- → P3
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