Closed Bug 1869304 Opened 7 months ago Closed 7 months ago

The pages layout in print preview is not consistent, resulting in having contend displayed in incorrect orientation


(Core :: Print Preview, defect)




Tracking Status
firefox-esr115 --- disabled
firefox120 --- disabled
firefox121 --- disabled
firefox122 --- wontfix
firefox123 --- wontfix
firefox124 --- wontfix
firefox125 --- fixed


(Reporter: danibodea, Unassigned)


(Blocks 2 open bugs)



  • The page following the one that is oriented in landscape, when in print preview, it appears orientated in landscape also, but with the content is in portrait mode (becoming somewhat unreadable).

Found in

  • Nightly v122.0a1

Affected versions

  • Nightly v122.0a1

Tested platforms

  • Affected platforms: Ubuntu 22, Windows 10, MacOS 11
  • Unaffected platforms: -

Steps to reproduce

  1. Load print-test-first-page-landscape
  2. CTRL+P
  3. Observe page orientation in the print preview

Expected result

  • Only the first page is displayed in landscape orientation

Actual result

  • The first 2 pages appear oriented in landscape (although the second has its content in portrait, becoming somewhat unreadable)

Regression range

  • Not a regression, but an implementation issue.

Additional notes

  • This issue occurs when tested with Google account that was "opt-in" the native Firefox printing experience.
  • If the issue is tested without having logged into a Google account that is opt-it, then all subsequent pages show up as oriented in landscape, while the content is oriented incorrectly.
  • This is not an issue after print because the content is correctly oriented onto each page, only the page orientation in print preview being an issue.

Another STR to complete the demonstration:

  1. Load print-test-second-page-landscape
  2. CTRL+P
  3. Observe page orientation in the print preview
    Expected result: Only the second page is displayed in landscape orientation.
    Actual result: The first 2nd and 3rd pages appear oriented in landscape (although the 3rd has its content in portrait, becoming somewhat unreadable)
Blocks: 1521655, 1866758
Has STR: --- → yes
See Also: → 1859634, 1867261
Summary: >ayout in print preview is not consistent → The pages layout in print preview is not consistent, resulting in having contend displayed in incorrect orientation
Version: unspecified → Trunk

:danibodea, if you think that's a regression, could you try to find a regression range using for example mozregression?

See Also: → 1869387

Dup of bug 1865172. Bug 1865172 comment 3 mentions the Google doc linked here BTW.

Closed: 7 months ago
Duplicate of bug: 1865172
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
See Also: 1859634, 1867261, 1869387
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