Open Bug 1872348 Opened 6 months ago Updated 3 months ago

Some messages in Dark Mode are unreadable


(Thunderbird :: Theme, defect)

Thunderbird 115


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jonas.gamao, Unassigned)



(2 files)

Steps to reproduce:

Viewing emails

Actual results:

The text from some emails are in black, and are not inverted when in dark mode.

Expected results:

Maybe an option to change to light mode for the message itself, and not the whole UI would be useful to have?

Hi :)
I believe that the HTML instruction are not impacted by the theme. If the background is set as #000 for example the dark mode would not touch it. I I will try to validate this with some e-mails, but I don't believe this is a bug!

It seems to occur when the sender set html css in email as a dark colour for font but did not set a background colour, so the default dark theme background gets used.
It also occurs if sender set a pale/white background but did not set a font colour, so in a dark theme you end up with default theme white font and a sender set background of white.

Result is unreadible text until you change to a light theme (or dark them depending upon issue) or highlight the 'hidden text' as a quick fix for reading purposes.

Settings > General
under 'Languages & Appearance'
Click on 'Colours'
Default has Text = White, Background = dark

Workaround Fix options
option 1:
do not select 'Use System colours'
Set 'Override the colours specified by the content with my selections above:' as 'Always'

option 2: (does not work if white on white, but does work for dark on dark issue)
select 'Use System colours'
Set 'Override the colours specified by the content with my selections above:' as 'Never'

option 3: (I use this)
Set Text = Black, Background = White
do not select 'Use System colours'
Set 'Override the colours specified by the content with my selections above:' as 'Never'

Never thought of reporting this bug, but I'm encountering it every week or so. From memory, the colors are messed up more often when I'm composing a reply or forwarding emails.

"the colors are messed up more often when I'm composing a reply"

Are you composing HTML or plain text? I spent way too much time this week trying to make the plain text Write window more visible. The long version with several screenshots is at:

Latest "aha" discovery there:

Just had a thought - the Write window is always a separate window, not a tab. But opening incoming messages in a new window gets my chosen full white on full black colors, just like in a tab.

I defaulted all my colors, no change. Tried your Dark theme, no change. Tried the Light theme, and the Write window went dark! See screenshot.

I managed to get all the Themes disabled, and everything went dark. See screenshot.

Enabled the System Theme, and so far everything is still dark. Survived a TBird close and restart. See screenshot.

In case it might matter, this is happening on Arch Linux with Cinnamon Desktop, in dark mode.

Even now, if I go to the Themes selector and Enable the Light theme, every part of Thunderbird except the Write window turns light - black text on white. The Write window switches to maximum contrast pure white text on a pure black background. With any other theme, the Write window background is the dark gray used in the Folder pane.

Something very strange seems to be going on here...

(In reply to LorenAmelang from comment #4)

"the colors are messed up more often when I'm composing a reply"

Are you composing HTML or plain text? I spent way too much time this week trying to make the plain text Write window more visible. The long version with several screenshots is at:

Latest "aha" discovery there:

Just had a thought - the Write window is always a separate window, not a tab. But opening incoming messages in a new window gets my chosen full white on full black colors, just like in a tab.

I defaulted all my colors, no change. Tried your Dark theme, no change. Tried the Light theme, and the Write window went dark! See screenshot.

I managed to get all the Themes disabled, and everything went dark. See screenshot.

Enabled the System Theme, and so far everything is still dark. Survived a TBird close and restart. See screenshot.

In case it might matter, this is happening on Arch Linux with Cinnamon Desktop, in dark mode.

Even now, if I go to the Themes selector and Enable the Light theme, every part of Thunderbird except the Write window turns light - black text on white. The Write window switches to maximum contrast pure white text on a pure black background. With any other theme, the Write window background is the dark gray used in the Folder pane.

Something very strange seems to be going on here...

I'm composing HTML with default settings on Kubuntu. I'll wait for it to happen again and see if I can contribute with more useful info.

If anyone is using or has installed any addon which may effect the theme background colours then please state what addon you were using and then completely uninstall that addon and restart Thunderbird to ensure all parts of addon are removed.

Attached image Email-badview.jpg

OK... I have received one email which looks like same issue as image posted by reporter. It's from Pinterest.

I changed the view to Simple HTML and it's easy to read.
View > Message Body as > Simple HTML
Or change the theme to 'Light' - which works from a point of view ability to read email.
OR highlight the text in email.

Basically not good html created by someone using MS Office so contains a load of unnecessary bloat code and they are trying to force a particular view of email which fails. HTML is trying to guess what theme you use and control the various colours. As far as I can tell, this email would look dreadful regardless unless you are possibly using Outlook.

This is not a general problem in all other emails - it is the only one I've encountered so far. It's not just the newest versions of TB - this also looks dreadful in 102*.

It would be helpful if people who see same problem as the image posted to check the Source.
Select email to view in Message Pane.
click on 'More' and select 'View Source'
At the top is a load of headers.
Then it will have the Plain text section.

After the section which may start with something like this:
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"

Do you text which looks like the following - I'm only posting a very small section of text, but in reality there is a lot more as you can see a portion in the image provided - believe me there's a lot more and it's only a few lines in the actual email - go figure!!!

=0A<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.=org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">=0A=0A<html xmlns=3D"" xmlns:o=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:v=3D= "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">=0A<head>=0A<meta content=3D"text/html;

Are the effected emails all showing they were created using Microsoft Office product?

I'm not so sure this can be regarded as a bug when issue maybe the html in the email.

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