Closed Bug 1875465 Opened 6 months ago Closed 4 months ago

[Tab Strip] Add tab strip for tablets behind secret settings


(Fenix :: Tabs, enhancement, P2)



(firefox125 verified)

125 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox125 --- verified


(Reporter: rsainani, Assigned: rsainani)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [fxdroid] [group4])


(1 file)

The intention is to create a first working version of tab strip to improve the experience on tablets. This will also lead to information about further possible improvements that can help improve the tablet experience.

Although, not the main goal but working on this is also highlighting some of the refactoring opputunities to simplify making further iterations and as a result paving the way to support different form factors on all screens.

This includes:
– Secret Settiings - "Enable Tab Strip" that's visible only on tablets.
– Displaying open tabs in a Tab Strip above toolbar
– Display favicon for each tab
– Ability to add a new tab
– Ability to close tabs
– Private/normal browsing mode tabs are displayed when in the respective mode
– Works in tandem with tabs tray aka selecting mode/tab, adding/deletting tab in tabs tray shows the same in tabs strip and vice versa.

While these are not features of the Tab Strip UI, these are changes are in Settings when tab strip is enabled:
– toolbar customization in Settings is not shown as Toolbar defaults to Top.
– Swipe tab gesture to switch tabs in settings is not shown as it is disabled.

Note that this doesn't and shouln't affect the current mobile experience in any way, or even the current tablet experience if the secret settings is switched off.

Assignee: nobody → rsainani
Component: General → Toolbar
Whiteboard: [fxdroid] → [fxdroid] [group4]
Component: Toolbar → Tabs
Blocks: 1882105
No longer blocks: improved-tablet-support
Summary: Add tab strip prototype for tablets → [Tab Strip] Add tab strip prototype for tablets
Summary: [Tab Strip] Add tab strip prototype for tablets → [Tab Strip] Add tab strip for tablets behind secret settings

Note for QE:

The bug description includes the current feature set. If there are any issues, requesting you to please file them under the tab strip meta. There shouldn't be any changes in the usual mobile (non tablet) experience.

Flags: qe-verify+

Verified on the latest Fenix Nightly 125.0a1 from 2/29 with two tablets: Samsung Galaxy S8 Ultra (Android 12), and Lenovo tab M10 (Android 10).

Verified the following:
– in Secret Settings - "Enable Tab Strip" is visible only on tablets, and the toggle can be enabled/disabled;
– when enabled, the open tabs are displayed in a Tab Strip above TOP toolbar;
– when enabled, there is a favicon, and a "X" (close) option for each tab;
– there is the "+" icon which lets the user open a new tab;
– a new tab can be also opend by: long-tapping the tabs counter, or searching/typing in the search bar;
– the private/normal browsing mode tabs are displayed when in the respective mode;
– works in tandem with tabs tray aka selecting mode/tab, adding/deleting tab in tabs tray shows the same in tabs strip and vice versa.

The following features from Settings --> Customize are no longer available when tab strip is enabled:
– toolbar customization in Settings is not shown as Toolbar defaults to Top.
– Swipe tab gesture to switch tabs in settings is not shown as it is disabled.

@Rahul: There is one functionality that is not available when the "Enable Tabs Strip" is on: closing a tab from the Tabs Strip doesn't display the "Tab closed UNDO" snackbar.

Flags: qe-verify+ → needinfo?(rsainani)

Thank you very much [:miralobontiu] !

Regarding undo, we have this Bug 1882106 tracking that. That's not part of this bug.

Could you also please confirm that there are no changes on mobile (non tablet) devices. That would provide added assurance :)

Flags: needinfo?(rsainani)
Duplicate of this bug: 1812934
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