Closed Bug 1875553 Opened 5 months ago Closed 1 month ago

Tab card preview should not show in non-active windows


(Firefox :: Tabbed Browser, defect, P2)




Tracking Status
firefox128 --- verified


(Reporter: mstriemer, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


The tab card preview ends up focusing Firefox, even if it was not the active window. I assume this is just how panels work, although there could be some way to disable this. What we likely want instead is that the preview is not shown when hovering a tab in a non-active window.


  1. Enable tab card previews
  2. Open some tabs
  3. Focus another application, eg Slack, and position the window so you can see the Firefox tabs
  4. Hover a tab in Firefox

Expected results: Nothing happens (or the preview is shown and focus doesn't change)
Actual results: The card preview is shown and Firefox is brought to the foreground

Blocks: 1875831

Chrome is actually showing the tab preview even if a window is not active. Not sure if we want to be consistent with that, but it was worth noting.

Severity: -- → S3
Priority: -- → P2

I for one do like the fact that we show the preview in windows that are not in focus. This way I can preview what that tab is before going and focus the browser and visit the page. I am using this on my current work browser (Vivaldi) and enjoying it.

UX note: I agree showing the previews behind a window is ok as long as it doesn't shift focus. I wasn't able to reproduce the bug (previews were shown but focus didn't shift) is it fixed?

The core issue of stealing focus was fixed in 1875831. Since we're OK with the preview otherwise showing in non-focused windows, I'm closing this as fixed.

Closed: 1 month ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED

Marking this as verified fixed since bug 1897475 has landed and we verified it using latest Nightly 128.0a1 across platforms (macOS 13, Windows 11 and Ubuntu 22.04).
Though this is a temporary fix and the final expected behavior is to have the tab preview to work in different windows which are not in focus.

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