Closed Bug 1878000 Opened 4 months ago Closed 3 months ago

`make run` stdout is spammy


(Socorro :: Antenna, defect, P2)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: willkg, Assigned: willkg)




(1 file)

When I do make run which does:

docker-compose up web frontend fakesentry

it brings up all the depends_on services as attached. That means we see output from statsd, localstack, and all their rowdy drunken friends.

In order to be able to see the output from web and fakesentry, we need to quell their raucous crosstalk.

I originally had this problem with Tecken and it seemed like it was only a problem after we implemented healthcheck bits in docker-compose.yml. I have this problem with Antenna, too, even though we don't have the healthcheck bits.

Relud suggested I switch from the Ubuntu packages to the standard Ubuntu ones and I did that--I still have the same issue.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. docker compose stop to stop everything
  2. ./ to build images, set up services, etc
  3. make run to run the web and fakesentry services

Then I get a bunch of output from statsd and localstack in addition to web and fakesentry. make run calls:

docker compose up web fakesentry

so it shouldn't be attaching to statsd and localstack. It's puzzling.

Assignee: nobody → willkg

last night i noticed a flag for docker compose up: --attach-dependencies, and i just confirmed locally that it accepts --attach-dependencies=false, so that might be a better solution here than listing each dependency with --no-attach

I mentioned this in the PR for changing Tecken, so I'm summarizing here.

It doesn't work for me and I'm not sure why. When I do make run, docker compose attaches to all the services--not just the ones specified in docker compose up.

I looked through their issue tracker for a while and found the PR for implementing --no-attach and it looks like if we use --attach, we can explicitly state what services get attached and all the other ones won't get attached. That works plus it doesn't have the annoyance that specifying a --no-attach for each service we don't want to see output for has.

I'll switch to that in PR #968.

See Also: → 1880156

This is only a problem in the local dev environment. It's fixed now, so I'm going to close it out.

Closed: 3 months ago
Priority: -- → P2
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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