Open Bug 1892794 Opened 1 month ago Updated 1 month ago

When changing the number of extension processes, themes don't work.


(WebExtensions :: General, defect, P3)

Firefox 125


(firefox125 affected, firefox126 affected, firefox127 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox125 --- affected
firefox126 --- affected
firefox127 --- affected


(Reporter: ejwmercer, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:125.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/125.0

Steps to reproduce:

  • Install the latest version of Firefox
  • Install a theme
  • Navigate to about:config and change dom.ipc.processCount.extension to something greater than 1
  • Restart Firefox

Actual results:

  • The installed theme is not used, and the browser defaults to either the built-in light or dark theme.

Expected results:

  • The installed theme should be used correctly

The Bugbug bot thinks this bug should belong to the 'Firefox::Theme' component, and is moving the bug to that component. Please correct in case you think the bot is wrong.

Component: Untriaged → Theme

This pref was added in bug 1339144. Not sure why it would affect webextension themes.

Component: Theme → General
Depends on: 1339144
Product: Firefox → WebExtensions


I reproduced the issue on the latest Nightly (127.0a1/20240424093459), Beta (126.0b5/20240424091756) and Release (125.0.2/20240419144423) under Windows 10 x64.

Once Firefox is restarted, following the steps to reproduce from Comment 0, the browser defaults to the built-in Light theme (in my case) and the installed theme is no longer used, even though it’s still installed and enabled.

Ever confirmed: true

This is currently not a supported pref value.

Blocks: 1827085
Severity: -- → S4
Priority: -- → P3
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