Open Bug 1894092 Opened 2 months ago Updated 14 days ago

Add a new onboarding card to be displayed by default when a "recovered from backup" AttributionCode is set


(Firefox :: Messaging System, task, P1)




129.1 - Jun 10 - Jun 21


(Reporter: mconley, Assigned: mviar)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [fidefe-device-migration])

If a download of Firefox occurred with a particular attribution code (maybe dlsource=fx-backup-recovery or something), we'd like onboarding to show just a single slide - one that follows this specification:

The slide will need to communicate with BackupService to search for the single-file archive on the file system, and if found, to display some information about it. If the single-file archive is password encrypted, the slide will also need to request a password from the user.

Hi Mike, what's the priority of this work, and do you intend to pick up this work or should we assign it to OMC?
CC Najla and Emily to consider OMC's contribution to this work.

Flags: needinfo?(mconley)

Hi Mike, what's the priority of this work, and do you intend to pick up this work or should we assign it to OMC?

High-ish priority. We'd ideally like to have this be something completed in Nightly either this month or early next. My team is willing to take it on if your team does not have cycles. Whichever is more expedient.

Flags: needinfo?(mconley)

Okay great! This seems like a good project for our team. I'll prioritize it for OMC for now. Najla and Emily, feel free to adjust if appropriate.

For engineering reference - a similar attributed screen was added in bug 1829426. We used a targeting attribute like this to restrict it to the desired attribution. So the same thing could be done again for dlsource=fx-backup-recovery (to be confirmed in review).

Iteration: --- → 127.1 - Apr 15 - Apr 26
Points: --- → 5
Priority: -- → P1
Iteration: 127.1 - Apr 15 - Apr 26 → 128.2 - May 27 - Jun 7
Assignee: nobody → mviar

After speaking with David last week it sounds like there's still some definition work to be done here. We can go ahead and move this to the next iteration during triage given that the team won't review the spec for Firefox Backup - Install and Onboarding until next week.

Iteration: 128.2 - May 27 - Jun 7 → 129.1 - Jun 10 - Jun 21
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