Open Bug 1894990 Opened 18 days ago Updated 14 days ago

Re-work logic for adding Megalist to sidebar to align with revamped sidebar


(Firefox :: Sidebar, task, P3)





(Reporter: kcochrane, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [fidefe-sidebar])

Megalist work is currently behind a pref browser.megalist.enabled. Currently this menuitem is hardcoded in here for the current sidebar, and there's logic in browser-sidebar to conditionally hide the menu item based on the pref. We should remove the hardcoded menu item and add it as we do the rest of the sidebar items in browser-sidebar but still keep it conditional based on the pref.

See bug 1891775 for an example of how we're conditionally adding the customize sidebar menu item.

Whoever ends up working on this should make sure to add someone like :mtigley as a reviewer, as she added a lot of the existing logic for megalist in the sidebar.

Whiteboard: [fidefe-sidebar]
Priority: P2 → P3
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