Open Bug 1896677 Opened 19 days ago Updated 11 days ago

Home and newtab weather widget fetch might need a retry feature


(Firefox :: New Tab Page, enhancement)




Tracking Status
firefox127 + fix-optional


(Reporter: thecount, Assigned: thecount)



(Whiteboard: [hnt])

If the weather fetch fails, we don't try again until the next system tick/update.

We can add some retry logic that runs before waiting for the next system tick/update.

[Tracking Requested - why for this release]: We intend to launch a weather experiment in 127. It should be a low risk, small set of changes.

If the weather data fetch fails a retry is very likely to work, and would reduce the number of errors the user sees. After retrying 3 times if we still don't have a successful response, then we should display the error.

The bug is marked as tracked for firefox127 (beta). However, the bug still isn't assigned.

:amy, could you please find an assignee for this tracked bug? If you disagree with the tracking decision, please talk with the release managers.

For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(achurchwell)
Assignee: nobody → sdowne

I think we're ok if this doesn't make it in, but it may be easy and we may get time this week. If so we might consider taking it.

Flags: needinfo?(achurchwell)
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