Open Bug 1900581 Opened 1 month ago Updated 4 days ago

[msix] Info bar is displayed after each refresh even though the ‘Set as default’ button was pressed .


(Firefox :: Shell Integration, defect)

Firefox 128



Tracking Status
firefox128 --- affected


(Reporter: mchiorean, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [fidedi-ope] )

Found in

  • version: 128.0a1

Tested platforms

  • Affected platforms: Windows
  • Unaffected platforms: Mac, Ubuntu


  • Have the following prefs set as true
    Have set as Firefox mailto default handler something that is not gmail (about:preferences > Applications > mailto)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open
  2. Check the infobar displayed.
  3. Click on ‘Set as default’.
  4. Do a page refresh.

Expected result

  • Info bar “Use Nightly to open every time you click a link that opens email?” should not be displayed.

Actual result

  • Info bar is displayed after each refresh, although the set as default button was pressed.

Regression range

  • Not a regression as it was just implemented and it reproduces with first build 2024-05-30 that contains the implementation.

Additional notes

  • This seems to reproduce only on msix builds. Not reproducing with .exe and msi.
  • Pressing 'X' or 'Not now', infobar is not displayed again.
Severity: S2 → S3

Hi, can you tell me the specific mailto default handler you used to reproduce this bug? Currently I'm not able to get an info bar to show up when I login to

Flags: needinfo?(mchiorean)
Whiteboard: [fidedi-ope]

Normally you need to have both browser.mailto.dualPrompt and browser.mailto.dualPrompt.onLocationChange prefs set as true and make sure that the default mailto handler is not Gmail from about:preferences > Applications > mailto, it can be anything else (eg. Firefox, any app from your PC just not Gmail). The next step would be to visit with a valid account and you should see the mailto infobar right away.

After following the steps, gmail will be switched as the default handler but the infobar will still be displayed. Note that this is a MSIX specific bug, this is not reproducible with .exe or .msi installers.
I hope that this helps.

Flags: needinfo?(mchiorean) → needinfo?(erchen)
Flags: needinfo?(erchen)

We will run mailto as an experiment and avoid targetting MSIX

See Also: → 1866724
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