Closed Bug 190780 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

span rendering error - target anchor side effect


(Core :: Layout, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set





(Reporter: hauser, Unassigned)




(Keywords: xhtml)

Build 2003011412

The entire line containing the word "UIP" should be brown on green.
As long as I leave the <a id=... tag active, green is only shown up to the
hyperlink and "view source" claims that span ends there (which it doesn't!).
When I comment it out, the entire line is green as supposed to be?

It does validate as xhtml11 and css2!

P.S.: I have other files with where the a id= tag is also present and the error
doesn't show?!?!?
It is effect of unclosed previous <a> tag. 

<a id="contStart" />
<br />
<span class="UIP" ><strong>UIP:</strong> The sender now receives <a
href="PleaseResendMUC.msg" title="this Alert mail">this 

So first anchor maked whole space until <a href> an :taget area. Hereby <span>
block finished with <a href>. 

to my knowledge "<a ... />" is equivalent to "<a ...>...</a>" and seems to think that too - (so does MSIE).
Therefore, do you contend that w3c and MSIE are wrong or is Mozilla wrong?
Well. If you add style="border: solid", you find, that IE think's same as
mozilla in this case.
but even if MSIE thinks the same, contrary to Mozilla, it renders correctly (or
is validation wrong?)
Do I say this bug is invalid? I don't know yet. I say, that it seems to be
effect of :target for <a />. 

BTW. w3c validation means only that code is correct. But validation have nothing
with render. 
> to my knowledge "<a ... />" is equivalent to "<a ...>...</a>"

In XML.  Not in HTML.  You're sending the page as text/html, which means "render
as HTML".  The page is XHTML and XHTML may only be send as text/html if it
complies with Appendix C of the XHTML 1.0 specification.  Which this page does not.

IE's DOM and layout model are unrelated, which is why it works in IE.

The validator just says this is a valid XHTML document (which it is).  But we
can't parse it as XML for the reasons listed at

Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Thanks for the hint - I have posted a related suggestion to w3c
*** Bug 190959 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Keywords: xhtml
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