"Zarro Boogs" phrase on zero search results needs explanation
(Bugzilla :: Query/Bug List, enhancement)
(Reporter: justdave, Unassigned)
People still seem to get confused by this periodically. See bug 313647 and its many duplicates for the usual complaints and so forth.
BMO added an explanation that no results were found underneath it, but the phrase is still there, and although the situation is explained, the phrase itself isn't. I would like to propose adding one of those little question mark icons after it that when you hover it, pops up a box with an explanation of what the phrase means.
Wikipedia actually has a writeup at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bugzilla#Zarro_Boogs
I used the following explanation in the announcement about the Bugzilla non-profit:
The buggy spelling of “Zero Bugs” being intentional because it’s generally believed that there’s no such thing as a project with zero bugs in it, only bugs that haven’t yet been reported, thus, saying “Zero Bugs” is, in itself, buggy.
The explanation on Wikipedia or some mashup of the two may be better.