Open Bug 1923075 Opened 5 months ago Updated 5 months ago

"Edit > Find > Search Messages" doesn't work for saved search folders and should likely be disabled on the menu


(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, defect)

Thunderbird 115


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: francesco, Unassigned)



(Keywords: good-first-bug, triaged)

"Edit > Find > Search Messages" doesn't work for search folders and should likely be disabled on the menu.

Note that the context menu for search folders doesn't have an entry "Search Messages", so there it was intentionally(?) not displayed.

(I've set version to 115 although the problem likely existed before. I haven't checked that.)

Severity: -- → S4
Keywords: triaged
See Also: → 270232
Summary: "Edit > Find > Search Messages" doesn't work for search folders and should likely be disabled on the menu → "Edit > Find > Search Messages" doesn't work for saved search folders and should likely be disabled on the menu

Code is likely here: - add a check for folder flags Virtual, like (Note folder.isVirtual there is not a thing, and should be removed). Also check MailServices.accounts.accounts.length to disable when no accounts are availabe.

Keywords: good-first-bug
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