Demo at is 5x slower in Nightly
(Core :: JavaScript Engine, task, P3)
(Reporter: mayankleoboy1, Unassigned)
(Blocks 1 open bug, )
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Nightly: (35FPS)
Chrome: (160FPS)
Comment 1•1 month ago
This has a ton of time under IonSetPropertyIC::update
, doing something with typed arrays. Maybe double or negative int32 keys again? NI myself to take a quick look at that.
Comment 2•1 month ago
ICs for TypedArrays handle both double and negative int32 keys. The benchmark has a TypedArray out-of-bounds read for fire[a]
, which returns undefined
. Then there's an addition with generates a BinaryCache, because the right-hand side is either a Number or undefined
. When the rhs is undefined
, the addition returns NaN
. The NaN
is propagated through the division and the Math.floor
call. (Source:
Generated MIR:
174 loadtypedarrayelementhole arraybufferviewelements161:Elements int32tointptr173:IntPtr arraybufferviewlength158:IntPtr Value
545 keepaliveobject guardshape156:Object
175 box add172:Int32 Value
176 binarycache box175:Value loadtypedarrayelementhole174:Value Value
177 unbox binarycache176 to Double (fallible) Double
178 div unbox177:Double constant114:Double [double] Double
180 guardspecificfunction loaddynamicslotandunbox538:Object constant124:Object Object
181 nearbyint div178:Double (down) Double
182 setpropertycache loadfixedslotandunbox536:Object lsh128:Int32 nearbyint181:Double
The final SetPropertyCache is generated because the CacheIR implementation for GuardToInt32ModUint32
doesn't perform recovery when branchTruncateDoubleMaybeModUint32
Simple test case which also generates SetPropertyCache:
function test() {
var ta = new Uint8Array(2);
for (var i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) {
ta[i & 1] = NaN;
return ta[0] + ta[1];
Comment 3•1 month ago
Thanks for the analysis! Could we use the same callWithABI
as in CacheIRCompiler::emitTruncateDoubleToUInt32
Updated•1 month ago
Comment 4•1 month ago
Bug 1942255 should make this ~2.3x times faster. It's still slower than JSC/V8 because the BinaryCache
will prevent moving guards before the loops.
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Comment 5•27 days ago
With the latest Nightly: (120fps without the profiler)