Open Bug 1944944 Opened 19 days ago Updated 19 days ago

A11y Audit for Full-Page ARIA Attribute Translations


(Firefox :: Translations, task)




a11y-review requested


(Reporter: nordzilla, Unassigned)



At your earliest convenience, I would love for the A11y team to just do a quick audit of the translatable ARIA attributes that we handle in Full Page Translations.

In particular I would like to know:

  1. Are there any that we're missing that we should be translating.
  2. Are there any that we are currently translating that would be better if we left alone.

Thank you!

How do we test this?

No specific testing is necessary. I just want reassurance from a11y experts that we're doing the correct things.

When will this ship?

This is already in production. But that doesn't mean we can't make improvements if this review determines that any are warranted! :)

a11y-review: --- → requested
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