Open Bug 1945688 Opened 14 days ago Updated 5 days ago

Add a setting to auto-close RC panel when leaving supported domains and PDPs


(Firefox :: Shopping, task, P2)





(Reporter: kpatenio, Assigned: rking)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [fidefe-RCSidebar])

Setting: Keep RC open on all pages of supported domains. Close RC when a user leaves the supported domain
Rationale: Conserve users’ screen real estate and avoid the negative impact on RC retention that a persistent panel might cause.

User story
As a user, I want to access RC quickly while shopping and experience minimum disruption when I switch to other tasks.

Acceptance criteria

  • The RC panel remains open as long as I navigate around the eligible domains, both on PDP and non-PDP pages, displaying review analysis and empty RC panel state, respectively.
  • RC panel closes automatically once I leave the eligible domain (default behavior of the panel).
  • I can choose to turn off auto-close behavior in RC panel settings. Turning it off results in the following behavior:
  • RC panel never closes automatically, staying open on all webpages on all domains, until I proactively close it.

Implementation notes

  • We need a new pref similar to existing toggle settings like autoOpen.userEnabled.
    • Note: autoOpen.enabled is treated like a "feature flag" - it will show / hide the auto-open toggle since it was previously an experiment. At the moment, I'm unsure if we want an equivalent pref for auto-close; I'm leaning towards yes, but it's best to confirm with the team.
  • We need a new toggle in settings.mjs and a new string for its label
  • We should add tests to ensure it auto-closes when the toggle is enabled and doesn't if the toggle is disabled
  • We want to add logic that allows for auto-closing on non PDPs. More details below.


Open questions

  • Do we want new Glean metrics specific to auto-close?
  • Do we want any new callouts related to auto-close?
Severity: -- → N/A
Priority: -- → P2
Whiteboard: [fidefe-RCSidebar]
Points: --- → 3
Blocks: 1946227
No longer blocks: 1916005
Assignee: nobody → rking
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