Closed Bug 1981 Opened 26 years ago Closed 24 years ago

[LAYER] dogfood - Markup of w3 must be fixed to not use layers on Nav5


(Tech Evangelism Graveyard :: English US, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: akkzilla, Assigned: asa)




(Whiteboard: [PDT-])

In the linux viewer, load: The display is hosed -- there's what appears to be a text field on top of the title, a black rectangle of similar but slightly smaller size somewhere nearby, and scrolling is a mess (scroll down and you get to a blank screen where nothing is drawn). Actually it's somewhat hosed on win32 as well, but not nearly as much.
Priority: P1 → P2
Changed priority: P1 is reserved for crashers.
Is the "doesn't do layers" part of this bug a content problem where the page doesn't recognize the viewer as being capable? Some of the problems on the this page also look similar to where the links are not active... Is this a dup?
Turns out that page no longer shows a text field; I think it was previously redirecting to, which does have a couple of text fields. But those are drawn in the right place now. However, now the Linux viewer has a button (labelled Netscape something -- can't read the whole thing because it's hidden under the right text field) drawn underneath and between the two text fields; the Windows viewer, and 4.5, do not show this button.
Summary: [PP] layout of w3 hosed -- linux doesn't do layers? → Layout of w3 hosed -- linux doesn't do layers?
This bug focuses on a small rendering problem on which we are considering graceful degradation of layers. Not a [PP] bug...taking off [PP] list.
Note that complete support for 4.x Layers and the Layer DOM is on the "Out" list for NGLayout 1.0. Use CSS2 instead. What should work: LAYER tag and these attributes: left, top, bgcolor, background What shouldn't work: Layer DOM in JavaScript, Layer tag attribute "src" (used for transclusion) Migration path: Use CSS2 for absolute positioning Use CSS Object Model for dynamic changes to that positioning Use OBJECT tag with type=text/html or IFRAME for transcusion
Setting all current Open/Normal to M4.
per leger, assigning QA contacts to all open bugs without QA contacts according to list at
Assignee: kipp → vidur
The w3liteindex page looks fine with todays viewer; the layer issue is still open for the primary w3 page so I'm reassigning to vidur until the final final final layer issue is resolved. And I changed the url back to what it was before...
Summary: Layout of w3 hosed -- linux doesn't do layers? → [LAYER]:Layout of w3 hosed -- linux doesn't do layers?
Tossing this on the pile of document.layers bugs. It ain't just Linux.
Summary: [LAYER]:Layout of w3 hosed -- linux doesn't do layers? → [PP][LAYER]:Layout of w3 hosed -- linux doesn't do layers?
Target Milestone: M6 → M9
Assignee: vidur → ekrock
Assigning all layers bugs to ekrock.
Blocks: 8023
Target Milestone: M9 → M10
Setting to M10. See also #8389, related report on http://w3/.
Target Milestone: M10 → M11
Setting to M11 pending final outcome of discussion on n.p.m.layout.
Target Milestone: M11 → M12
Moving to M12. This is an "IS infrastructure must upgrade to be DOGFOOD" issue now.
Summary: [PP][LAYER]:Layout of w3 hosed -- linux doesn't do layers? → [LAYER] Markup of w3 must be fixed to not use layers on Nav5
Summary: [LAYER] Markup of w3 must be fixed to not use layers on Nav5 → [LAYER] dogfood - Markup of w3 must be fixed to not use layers on Nav5
erik, are you on IS to make this happen for dogfood? who is the IS contact that can change the page?
Whiteboard: [PDT-]
w3 is going away...marking PDT-...ekrock, maybe you could help get IS to pull this down?
*** Bug 20299 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
The IS contact is I have notified her and her team and checked status a couple of times. The last we emailed, they had not assigned an engineer to do the fix or set a date for completion, but they are aware of the need and our 12/15 dogfood target.
Target Milestone: M12 → M13
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Notified IS. INVALID. LAYER, ILAYER, document.layers[] not supported in Gecko/Nav5. Closed.
Marking verified invalid per last comments.
Moving all [LAYER] bugs to Evangelism component for tracking and open-source evangelism by mozilla community members of sites that need to upgrade to support web standards such as HTML 4.0 (instead of LAYER/ILAYER) and the W3C DOM (instead of Nav4 document.layers[] or IE document.all()). Sites should be lobbied to do the upgrade using the email templates that are linked to from . When a site's owner has confirmed receipt of the message requesting an upgrade, the bug should be marked with the keyword evangelized to indicate that evangelism for that bug is complete. When the site finishes the upgrade and supports standards, the bug should be closed.
Assignee: ekrock → nobody
Component: Layout → Evangelism
Keywords: evangwanted
QA Contact: petersen → nobody
Target Milestone: M13 → ---
Closing all Evangelism bugs where no evangelism is needed because page has been fixed, site is internal to Netscape, report is a DUP, or bug report is no longer appropriate for evangelism for any other reason.
Closed: 25 years ago25 years ago
SPAM:Changing QA contact on 111 evang bugs as I am now the new QA contact for this component. Sorry about the spam zach
QA Contact: nobody → zach
Reassigning Evangelism bugs to me, the component's new owner. I would like to take this opportunity to thank for all of his dedication, contributions, and hard work, and wish him luck at his new job. Thanks, nobody.
Assignee: nobody → BlakeR1234
workaround bugzilla problem that caused a bunch of evangelism bugs to be NEW/INVALID, NEW/FIXED, NEW/WORKSFORME or NEW/DUPLICATE
Resolution: INVALID → ---
*** Bug 54761 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
What do we do with these, move to Derivatives/netscape 6 to get it moved to bugscape?
I have no idea what to do with this. How can I evangelize the designers of pages behind the firewall? Sending to Browser-General for lack of a better idea.
Assignee: blakeross → asa
Component: Evangelism → Browser-General
Priority: P2 → P3
QA Contact: zach → doronr
I suspect this is a wontfix since they build the new w3 (you should be redirected if you're using mozilla).
I would expect the folks building w3 would be inclined not to use layers, as N6 will become the defacto browser that accesses their content.
anyone know who actaully owns that page? we need to bug them (with a club in our hands)
This is not a bug. The page redirects to a Mozilla compliant W3. Resolving as Invalid. If anyone has problems with this new site the login is pretty simple. it takes you to a Netcenter login. Enter a netcenter username and password then in the resulting dialog enter the group name "mozilla" (no quotes) and you're in.
Closed: 25 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
The browser sniffer will redirect you to a custom "My Netscape" page BUT that page does not contain all the information that is available on If you want to access the information on Netscape's w3 you are required to use NN 4.x. This is stupid, and this should be fixed. But the comments state this has been evangelized and something has been done so I guess we will just have to wait and see... This is Netscape's internal website so external people need not worry about this.
Keywords: evangelized
Keywords: evangwanted
Keywords: evangelized
Component: Browser-General → US General
Product: Browser → Tech Evangelism
QA Contact: doron → emeyer
Version: other → unspecified
Product: Tech Evangelism → Tech Evangelism Graveyard
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