Closed Bug 202376 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

PNG transparency/alpha issues


(Core :: Graphics: ImageLib, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: bugzilla.1.nrc, Assigned: jdunn)




(Keywords: regression)


(3 files)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030416 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030416 The PNG given in the URL looks like there is something wrong with an alpha channel (don't know much about these things, so maybe that's the wrong term). It looks like some parts are in negative, and the red channel is off (ie, looks cyan). Works with a slightly older build (4/11) and in other browsers. See also -- all the images there are goofy too. Tried trashing profile, no dice. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Click on the link above, see the trippy kitten image. 2. 3.
*** Bug 202409 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
what was the last build working correctly, can you track it closer to the last one working ? It seems to be a MacOSX specific bug. 20030411: works. 20030416: doesn't work. possible culprit: bug 155941.
Severity: normal → major
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: regression
2003041511 works, 2003041610 breaks. Seems very likely that the checkin for bug 155941 caused a regression.
Also causing problems in chrome. MailNews Splitters in the Pinstripe Theme are now bright cyan. Problem introduced between 2003-04-16-03-trunk and 2003-04-17-03-trunk.
Summary: png transparency / alpha issues → PNG transparency/alpha issues
Flags: blocking1.4b?
bleh, missed that one. for me, 2003041603 works, 2003041610 breaks
Could one of you who sees this bug attach a screenshot of how these images look?
Could you do a shot of the URL from this bug? The other image has some other attributes that might confuse matters.
The "camino-colors.png" file is 4-bit indexed-color and interlaced. I've rewritten it as 8-bit interlaced, 4-bit noninterlaced, and 8-bit noninterlaced, along with the original 4-bit interlaced, all cropped down to a smaller size, to help narrow down the cause. See Glenn
Glenn, all four of those images still display wrong using FizzillaMach/2003-04-15-11-trunk, and identically so.
The cover_img.png is a 24-bit opaque RGB image, so it seems that just about all types of PNG image are bolluxed. Glenn
Not all. My <,%20larger.png> works, for instance.
here's an indexed one that works too: (I think this the only png that works on the w3 page though.)
sorry for the spam; strike the last line in my previous comment
For the cat image, the channels appear to have gone through this mapping: red = inverse of original blue green = washed-out version of original red blue = washed-out version of original green
I added JPG and uncompressed GIF conversions of the image to They look OK, right? ...Glenn
The png_get_channels() after the png_read_update_info() is returning 4 for a RGB image if png_set_filler() has been called, which causes some problems. Is this the expected behavior?
tor, try PNG_SET_FILLER_AFTER instead of PNG_SET_FILLER_BEFORE in of bug #155941. That may rectify the cat image but I don't see how it would affect the indexed images. Glenn
Yes, 4 channels is correct after you use png_set_filler to add an alpha channel. The color type should also be updated to type 6, RGBA. Glenn
That just causes all RGB pngs to disappear, as they're being tagged as 4-channel images (comment 18) and the alpha channel is now zero (the filler).
Sorry, that's PNG_FILLER_AFTER not PNG_SET_FILLER_AFTER. Note, I'm just grasping for straws, and don't have a Mac to actually try this out. Also, make sure the filler byte is the alpha value for opaque, to avoid making the pixels transparent. Glenn
Checkin for bug 155941 backed out.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
*** Bug 202552 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
v, OS X 2003041808 build now looks ok as well
I just grabbed the 20030418 build of Camino and this bug is still around. The screenshot above is exactly what I see: a blue-green overlay on PNG format graphics.
This is a screen grab of some crummy looking PNG files in camino 20030418. I saved it a JPG to work around the PNG rendering/translation issue.
Try the 4/19 build or later, Paul.
*** Bug 202427 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Flags: blocking1.4b?
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