Closed Bug 206278 Opened 22 years ago Closed 19 years ago

Opening rfc822 attachment does not show image subattachments inline. [and can lead to NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER exception]


(MailNews Core :: Attachments, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mcow, Assigned: sspitzer)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


A message with attached images (or embedded images in an HTML message) is forwarded as attachment (or attached from .EML file) in another message. That message is received by Mozilla; the Mozilla user opens the attachment in its own window. Actual Result: images are not shown, but replaced with the no-icon image or the 'alt' text representation. Expected Result: images shown inline. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030516 Related: bug 203570, bug 204253.
[Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win95; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030612] Bug still there. You can use bug 209899 attachment 126146 [details] as a testcase: The subattached image is displayed: *"correctly" in the main message. (maybe because of bug 203570) *"as a "broken" icon in the submessage. (this bug)
Addition to comment 1: (I meant "Confirming on v1.4rc2 on W95.) Second part to this bug: 1. Right click the "broken" icon 2. Choose "Save Image As..." Get 1 JS error [ Error: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004003 (NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER) [nsIURIChecker.asyncCheckURI]" nsresult: "0x80004003 (NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://communicator/content/contentAreaUtils.js :: nsHeaderSniffer :: line 421" data: no] ] Changing: *(S) 'Normal' -> 'Major'
Severity: normal → major
Summary: Opening rfc822 attachment does not show image subattachments inline → Opening rfc822 attachment does not show image subattachments inline. [and can lead to NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER exception]
[Netscape® Communicator 4.8 : en-20020722] Not '4xp', since v4.8 displays: *everything in the main message (like comment 1) *the ".msg" attachement (and its image) in a browser (not in a mail window). *NB: The image attachement is shown as a link, which can be clicked. [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win95; en-US; rv:1.3.1) Gecko/20030425] Probably not 'regression', since v1.3.1 displays: *the ".eml" attachement as _source_ in a browser (not in a mail window). *NB: That was another bug/enhancement fixed at some date.
Product: MailNews → Core
No longer blocks: 279650
Depends on: 279650
Blocks: 279650
No longer depends on: 279650
Blocks: 269826
No longer depends on: 269826
No longer blocks: 279650
fixed as part of work in 203570
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
VERIFIED with Seamonkey latest-trunk 2005102717(win32 ZIP build) on Win-2K.
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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