Bug 212174
Opened 22 years ago
Closed 21 years ago
"URL relative to page location" doesn't work well
(SeaMonkey :: Composer, defect)
(Not tracked)
of bug 167262
(Reporter: moz, Unassigned)
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; sk-SK; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; sk-SK; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624
The "URL relative to page location" has strange behavior. Sometimes it changes
the status after saving the file, sometimes it returns to previous status
immediately after exiting the menu and returning back to Image/Link properties.
Best visible in Page and Background options when selecting background image.
Sometimes appears with normal links too.
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1.go to Page and background properties an image file for background "URL relative to page location"
Actual Results:
The image dosen't work, repeatedly visited "Page and background options" or
saving the file changes behavior of the image, mostly in bad way (image not
visible). Attribute often changes its status between saves or editing the
Expected Results:
The background image works everywhere when copied with the page structure.
This is the best reproducible error, but sometimes it misworks even with regular
links or images. I don't see any logic in that right now, but maybe the error
has some individual logic of appearance.
Comment 1•22 years ago
This is a duplicate bug; perhaps assigned to
OS: Linux → All
Hardware: PC → All
Summary: "URL relative to page location" dosen't work well → "URL relative to page location" doesn't work well
Whiteboard: DUPEME
Comment 2•21 years ago
when you set background image to, for example, "abc.jpg", then after save it
will be converted to c:\....\abc.jpg, entering a full filesystem path.
*** Bug 216110 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 219112 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
note that the bug i've selected xrefs the anchor part of its problem.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 173931 ***
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Whiteboard: DUPEME
Comment 6•21 years ago
This is should not be considered a duplicate of 173931. It manifests itself in Page and Background
Properties (not Link Properties), The relative checkmark is ignored (not a Widget greyed out), it has
nothing to do with a "list of Anchors" as in 173931, it is All OS's not Windows XP.
This is a serious, critical bug that makes it impossible to create a page accurately in Mozilla
composer without editing the source in a seperate application if it includes a background image.
Comment 7•21 years ago
Wow! Even though this bug had been incorrectly deemed a duplicate of an
unrelated bug #179391, it appears to be fixed in Mozilla 1.6! In my testing, the
relative link to the page background image file now remains a relative link, and
no longer changes back to an absolute reference as was happening previously.
Updated•21 years ago
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Comment 8•21 years ago
Re-duplicating to correct bug.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 167262 ***
Closed: 21 years ago → 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Updated•20 years ago
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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