Closed Bug 213415 Opened 22 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Standards Website


(Marketing :: General, task, P3)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: raccettura, Assigned: bart)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 Mozilla should start a website to encourage webmasters to design sites according to standards, so that they become cross platform, and cross browser. I have a lot stuff to post to this bug, but very limited time. I will add more to it later today. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce:
QA Contact: myk → chofmann
The goal of this, as per discussion with Bart Decrem is to create a website that could target mainstream webmasters. And perhaps replace Possibly being a joint effort between other communities (Apple, KDE, etc.).
Doesn't the Web Standards Project already fill this role? ( )
Blocks: 214064
I would say a like website is a good start for in depth information, and on this page a link to the for good code examples. Maybe could link to the mozilla page in return (they get 30 milion page hits per month!)
At least one major company interested in joining in on this when we get organized around this.
Priority: -- → P3
Has anyone asked Time Warner about releasing all the Netscape Devedge content to the Mozilla foundation? There's some useful content there and it's a well designed site to be based off. Perhaps a deal could be made where in effect the Mozilla Foundation would employ (or find volunteers) to update the content which could be mirrored on both (with Netscape branding) and - this would make it easy for those already familiar with the Netscape devedge site, while making the domain the preferred one, and eventually the Netscape name could be phased out once Netscape stop shipping 7.1 (it's still promoted to some extent)
yes, we are in neogociations for devedge content.
That's great news! That content, with a few volunteer editors (reading the blogs, I think many could do a great job) would really be a great stride in the open source community. What's needed, is a W3C for the people. - Convince companies standards are worth the effort - Show how standards can be easy - Show the results I'm sure other open source orgs, and even some companies would want to participate.
> That content, with a few volunteer editors (reading the blogs, I think many > could do a great job) would really be a great stride in the open source > community. That should be of concern. Our documentation effort on Web development has never taken off. Ian Oescheger was the most active writer in the department and he was a Netscape employee. dbaron is also active and I believe he's on staff. I fear that once we move DevEdge from paid content to volunteer-based, the quality would go down hill pretty quickly.
But how long will Netscape update devedge? Have they since the layoffs? Don't see any changes (but I don't frequent it to often). This is a bit premature, but I would focus on these things: - Showcases - interviews, of companies who comply with standards... case studies. - Tips/Tricks - info on how to do the "impossible stuff" in standards way. - Articles - occasional- in depth analysis of W3C news, and what it means for developers. - Reference - List known rendering bugs in various browsers? - Tutorials - more in depth tutorial style articles on various "cutting edge" stuff. - Forum - discuss compatibility with various technologies (HTML, CSS, XUL, JS...) The forums are in part self sustaining. I would be willing to moderate/admin etc. I'm a forum adict as it ;-) Reference, could be based in large part on Bugzilla's DB to start with. Display what versions contain what (what versions of what browsers support NTLM Authentication on what platform?) That leaves articles, tips and tricks, Showcases. Showcases, could be a quarterly thing to start with. Tips and Tricks can be based off of popular forum questions, explained. articles/tutorials can be done when/if someone wants. We don't need a newsfeed service. Many exist. What's needed is solid standards complaint info.
This requires a partnership with Apple, Opera and others, so requires a volunteer that really knows what they're doing and, ultimately, is a funded project with a paid staff person.
Did Netscape respond?
Does devmo fulfill this request?
MDN's mission is to provide developers with the information they need to easily build projects on the open Web. [1] We fulfill that mission by offering documentation of all relevant web standards, useful browser compatibility data, how-to docs and tutorials targeted at various audiences from beginners to experts. We do this together with our volunteer community and partners from Microsoft, Google, Samsung and the W3C, and we are well on our way to establish MDN as the premiere resource for developers. I think this bug has been fixed :) [1]
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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