Closed Bug 214265 Opened 21 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Page Info UI


(Firefox :: Page Info Window, defect, P3)




Firefox 3


(Reporter: bugs, Unassigned)



Feature tracking. Page Info dialog is ugly and far too complicated. Requirements analysis, re-specification and code changes as required.
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: --- → Firebird1.0
You can merge Security/General Get rid of Forms/Links/Media/General>ReferURL/General>Meta Make size about same as IE's so I don't need to resize everything Or just copy IE's cleaner one
let's see, we can get rid of p3p for sure, and show security info in the other tabs (currently there's no way to tell if the images on the page (for example) were retrieved from a secure connection.) The only thing I can think of that I'd really like to add would be a view of the Dublin Core metadata. Showing the HTTP headers like livehttpheaders does would also be nice. The thing I'd hate to see most is the forms tab, but then some of the programming I do involves forms, so having all of the data about a form summarized neatly (instead of groping through the source of an unfamiliar page) is very useful. I do have an idea for a way to make it less ugly, but I don't think it would fit, and it wouldn't really make it any less complicated. I would hate to go and copy IE's properties dialog, because it's useless. It sure is clean though. (On the other hand, does it still have a tabgroup with a single tab in it? ;) How do we go about deciding what needs to be in it? Is there a way we can reliably ask a large number of end user types if they've even used it, or does someone just decide?
I think there's going to be a default clean page info and then one that's like the one right now in a developer pack
and I don't understand why Page Info is a window and not a dialog or one of those windows without minimize/maximize
Because half the time I maximize it. Gives you more room to see stuff, like long image urls, etc. I also left it resizeable/maximizable because if you change the font size mozilla uses, not everything will fit in the window. Then, there's the fact that you might want to have more than one page info window open, or copy from page info and paste it into the urlbar, or just otherwise mess with your other mozilla windows without page info getting in the way. As a result, it's minimizable.
and while default page info is simplified, it'd also be nice if you make advanced page info keep everything we have now but change UI to make it not so ugly
QA Contact: asa
Blocks: 228807
Blocks: 229372
Depends on: 209187
No longer blocks: 215093
Target Milestone: Firefox1.0 → After Firefox 1.0
Blocks: 251303
Component: General → Page Info
QA Contact:
Blocks: 339102
Page Info is also deficient in terms of accessibility. See bug 347215. Bug 265698 isn't a dupe. I think this bug depends on that bug. This bug encompasses more than just that.
Assignee: bugs → nobody
Page Info has been quite significantly changed on the trunk since Firefox 2 (I cannot find the bug numbers atm). Should this bug still be open?
I think all issues should have been fixed by Bug 339102. Marking FIXED. New issues should go into new bugs one bug per issue.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
No longer blocks: 339102
Depends on: 339102
Target Milestone: Future → Firefox 3
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