Closed Bug 215235 Opened 22 years ago Closed 20 years ago

Show bookmarks manager in tabs


(Camino Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: camino, Assigned: sfraser_bugs)




(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.5a) Gecko/20030603 Camino/0.7+ Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.5a) Gecko/20030603 Camino/0.7+ I'd like to request the option for a user to define weather he/she want's the bookmarks manager to open in a new tab or in a new window. This would offer great benefits over the cover up in-window method used now. Allowing the user to open the bookmarks manager in a new window or tab would bring back some of the drag and drop ability that was removed when discontuing the sidebar. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: Expected Results: Preferences - the user is able to define weather they want the bookmarks manager to open in a window or in a new tab. Window - When clicking the open bookmarks manager button in the toolbar a new window open containing the bookmarks manager (the window does not have a toolbar, bookmarks toolbar or status bar). When clicking the toolbar button again the window is closed. - When the bookmarks manager window is in the background clicking the bookmarks toolbar button again closes the window. - When closing the bookmarks window (using the close widget in the left window corner) is the same action as clicking the bookmarks toolbar button again. Tab - When clicking the open bookmarks manager button in the toolbar a new tab opens containing the bookmarks manager (offering the user the capability to drag and drop bookmarks to and from other tabs). When clicking the toolbar button again the tab is closed. - When the bookmarks manager tab is in the background clicking the toolbar button again closes the tab. - Closing the bookmarks tab (using the close tab tolbar button) is the same action as clicking the bookmarks toolbar button again.
things to think about
Assignee: saari → pinkerton
Ever confirmed: true
Target Milestone: --- → Camino0.8
I personally prefer tab. i would even like if there is an option to force open in a tab when the link is specified as open in new window.
Janus, please look at Bug 185280 for the force in tab request.
Blocks: 208814
not happening for 0.8 i'm afraid.
Target Milestone: Camino0.8 → Camino1.0
Since so many people still want the sidebar back (in slimmed down basic editing version) we could even add an additional preference where users could say they want the bookmark manager to open in the sidebar! The sidebar would be a list view with only bookmarks names, and has basic editing capabilities such as rename/drag and drop/remove and such without buttons. Just an idea.
Found this bug and I want to express my support for either (or both) of these options; the current "Bookmarks Manager" UI is terribly confusing. It "wipes out" all of one's current tabs (or the active page) and one has no idea how to get back to them (i.e., no obvious visual clue; I eventually discovered "Back" and "cmd-B" work, but it's not obvious, and counter-intuitive for anyone coming from the older "bookmarks-manager-as-separate-window model". Safari is as bad but at least has that permanent widget that toggles and provides visual clues.) Either opening a new tab or new window for the Manager would really help clear this up, since either would bring a "close" widget :-)
Although this isn't a democracy I'm going to put a vote in for going down the window route. This has several advantages over being in a tab: i. We can use an appopriate toolbar for managing bookmarks etc, with proper icons rather than the very small monochrome icons we use in the current bookmark manager. We don't need to display the irrelevant browsing toolbar (what does "reload" do when you're browsing bookmarks?). (If the user can hide the "playlist" bit of the window, it works at drawer-like sizes quite happily.) ii. If we remember the size and shape of our bookmark window separately from browsing windows users who want it and have the screen estate can size and position it like the old drawer, without causing the next browser they open to be unusably narrow. iii. Its instinctive that you can only have one instance of a bookmarks window (in the same way you only have one instance of the downloads window), saving a large potential set of confusion and bugs when users have the bookmarks window open in several windows. The largest drawback I can see is that its not clear what window/tab we open a bookmark in when you double click it in the bookmark window, the "current" tab/window may not be instinctively clear to the user, and always opening a new tab/window is a bit wasteful.
I think that we should stick doing it simple way. I think the bookmark manager placement should be just as if it was a website. Clicking the icon would opene it in the current window or tab and would allow back and forward just like people are used to. I see no need to teach people a whole new way of doing this. I think we should avoid alwaysopening a new window as I think we should always push single window browsing where possible. After that we coudl think about allowing user to open it in either a new tab or window if wished.
if dave is going to look at doing this, we should do it through the url loading mechanism, so we have a url like bookmarks: or about:bookmarks. that way, it can be included in tabsets and made your home page if you desire.
If we're going for any sort of consistency across browsers, OmniWeb uses "bookmarks:/".
In Safari, the bookmarks view is also included in session history, which means you see it when going Back or Forward. This also argues for using a special kind of URL. However, I think this is rather subtle, and not what most users expect. Bookmarks are MINE on MY machine, not web pages out there. They shouldn't be intertwingled with web sites.
I agree with simon that the bm mamanger shouldn't interfere with history. But I really do think that the bahaviour of the window should be that of a webpage.
Taking this for bookmarks in tabs.
Assignee: pinkerton → sfraser_bugs
Attached patch Proof of concept patch. (obsolete) — Splinter Review
First-cut patch. It's amazing how easy this was: 1. Create "about" handler module for "about:bookmarks" (otherwise about:bookmarks doesn't do anything) 2. Allow clients to regiser custom views for particular URLs on BrowserWrapper, which swaps in said views when those urls load. 3. There is no step 3.
This patch is almost fully-functional. Some minor issues remain: * What to show in the url bar when bookmarks or history are showing * Should there be a way to toggle bookmarks, or do we just treat them like a page (which the current code does)
Attachment #176216 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #176236 - Flags: review?(pinkerton)
(In reply to comment #15) > This patch is almost fully-functional. Some minor issues remain: > * What to show in the url bar when bookmarks or history are showing Safari has a "nice" approach where it says in disabled text "Go to this address" in the url bar. I find it a bit strange but looks nice. I don't think we should do that. Omniweb just displays "bookmarks:/" in the url bar. Clean and simple. I guess just showing "about:bookmarks" with perhaps a small bookmarks book icon as site icon would be the best an simplest. Note we also would want the page and tab title to be "Bookmarks". Note that Omniweb handles the bm manager as a page enabling usres to drag and drop the url from the url bar in their bookmark bar so they can easily acces it from there. I like this approach very much as it's very natural, people already know how things would work if we did this why would we want them to learn a whole new thing? > * Should there be a way to toggle bookmarks, or do we just treat them like a > page (which the current code does) I think we should keep the bookmark toggle by using the key command or the toolbar icon. Which basically means that you would go back and forward depending on the bm manager being open or not.
> I think we should keep the bookmark toggle by using the key command or the > toolbar icon. Which basically means that you would go back and forward depending > on the bm manager being open or not. This is impossible if BM was the first thing to load in a window or tab, becuase you have nothing to go back to. Safari doesn't toggle, and, in this "bookmarks as web page" model I don't think it makes sense.
(In reply to comment #17) > This is impossible if BM was the first thing to load in a window or tab, becuase > you have nothing to go back to. Safari doesn't toggle, and, in this "bookmarks > as web page" model I don't think it makes sense. In that case, would it make sense to toggle to a blank page?
- BOOL overContentArea = NSPointInRect(localPoint, [self contentRect]); + //BOOL overContentArea = NSPointInRect(localPoint, [self contentRect]); just remove it. happens twice. + [self loadURL:@"about:bookmarks" referrer:nil activate:YES allowPopups:YES]; doubt this matters, but |allowPopups| should prolly be NO just for safety sake? + +#include <QuickTime/QuickTime.h> + does this get rid of warnings? why is it in here? just a few things to check: - multiple bookmark views in tabs don't get out of sync - having bookmarks in the session history multiple times (bookmarks, page, page, page, bookmarks, page, bookmarks, etc) doesn't leak or get out of sync. - setting it as the startup url works - do we want to add a radio button to have all new windows/tabs load with bookmarks/history? or maybe explanatory text under the "home page" to say if they want to use bookmarks to use "about:bookmarks"? not sure which is easier to comprehend. looking good otherwise, this will help streamline bits of the overlycomplex BWC r=pink
> - multiple bookmark views in tabs don't get out of sync Will be no different from > 1 window showing bookmarks, which works. > - having bookmarks in the session history multiple times (bookmarks, page, page, > page, bookmarks, page, bookmarks, etc) doesn't leak or get out of sync. There is one bookmarksviewcontroller per tab, irrespective of how many times it's in the history. All that's in the history is the url. > - setting it as the startup url works Check. > - do we want to add a radio button to have all new windows/tabs load with > bookmarks/history? or maybe explanatory text under the "home page" to say if > they want to use bookmarks to use "about:bookmarks"? not sure which is easier to > comprehend. Perhaps, yes.
Checked in the patch with comments addressed. Please file separate bugs for any regressions.
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Summary: Bookmarks manager, in a tab or in a window. → Show bookmarks manager in tabs
Attachment #176236 - Flags: review?(pinkerton)
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