Closed Bug 21539 Opened 25 years ago Closed 24 years ago

need to specify XUL menu access key from CSS


(Core :: DOM: Editor, defect, P3)






(Reporter: sspitzer, Assigned: saari)



sometime last week, hangas and I were talking about how on windows, "alt
v" was supposed to pop up the View menu and "cntr v" would do a paste.

and on UNIX, now that we have platform specific key bindings, "alt v"
would do a "paste".  we were discussing if that meant "cntr v" would
bring down the View menu, and we got into the special emacs bindings
that we have in text areas on unix.

today, I tried it again, and while "alt v" in a text area is still
paste, it also popups up the View menu!  (alt v, if you aren't in a text
area does not bring up the View menu)
Assignee: akkana → saari
Saari has all the other bugs on alt popping up menus and on needing a way to
specify the menu access key from CSS (also related to the fact that the xulkey
has been hardcoded in C++ and is no longer specifiable via xul or css).
Target Milestone: M13
Target Milestone: M13 → M15
Mass-moving most M15 bugs to M16
Target Milestone: M15 → M16
This sort of behavior gives uses the impression that something is 
very wrong, nominating for beta2.
Keywords: nsbeta2
NOTE: The behavior described in the bug does *not* happen now 
because we have keyboard access of menus turned off for linux. The bug 
is still open because we would like to turn this back on eventually, but we 
need to add the CSS support for access keys first so we can avoid having 
this problem again. 

Changing summary to "need to specify XUL menu access key from CSS"
Summary: alt v, in a text area, does a paste and pops open the View menu → need to specify XUL menu access key from CSS
[nsbeta2+] 6/1
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+] 6/1
Blocks: 40158
Removing nsbeta2 as we wern't really planning on turning on menu access keys for 
anything other than windows 6.0 anyway.

Keywords: nsbeta2
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+] 6/1
Moving all bugs that are not dogfood+, nsbeta2+,features, or nsbeta2- to M21
Target Milestone: M16 → M21
So this is that infamous bug.
OS: Linux → All
Hardware: PC → All
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This has been resolved.  We use prefs. akkana fixed it.
verified in 9/12 build.
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