Bug 233262
Opened 21 years ago
Updated 1 year ago
Mozilla is vulnerable to gzip bombs
(Core :: Security, defect)
(Reporter: zbraniecki, Unassigned)
(Blocks 1 open bug, )
(Keywords: csectype-dos)
AREAsec's article about bzip2 bombs contains tests where Mozilla's crash.
Mozilla needs hardcoded way to stop decompressing compressed data (png,html and
so on) at some point.
Comment 1•21 years ago
(In reply to comment #0)
> Mozilla needs hardcoded way to stop decompressing compressed data (png,html and
> so on) at some point.
the problem has little to do with decompressing data and everything to do with
trying to load a 1GB (or whatever) file. Doing this is going to hog resources
1. the system decides Mozilla is using too many resources and shuts it down
2. Mozilla notices that it ran out of memory and stops loading
3. Mozilla runs out of memory and crashes
4. Mozilla successfully loads the file
#3 is the only thing that can be fixed in Mozilla. On linux, the crash
mentioned on the page (1GB png) is actually a gdk crash, so even that is
difficult to fix. And there is already a bug on not trying to load huge images
on linux.
Reporter | ||
Comment 2•21 years ago
1) It's not only about images so i wouldn't say it's a dupe
2) Is it really impossible to implement Your's point 2?
2 and 4 are considered mozilla behaving correctly, there's nothing there to
'fix'. the only fixable item on his list is 3.
and you're sort of misunderstanding his other point. some crashes are in code
which we don't own, the example given is an image which crashes in gdk land. for
a text file or html file we're more in control than for an image.
Reporter | ||
Comment 4•21 years ago
I understand it. Just wanted to notice that there is such problem and meaby it
should be fixed where we are able to fix.
According to tests Mozilla's don't stop loading gzipped HTML when it runs out of
memory - so point 2 from Andrew's list is not working. And that's what I'm
asking for.
Summary: Mozilla is vunerable on bzip2 bombs → Mozilla is vulnerable on bzip2 bombs
Comment 5•21 years ago
> According to tests Mozilla's don't stop loading gzipped HTML when it runs out
> of memory
What sort of tests? On what OS? How did you get it to run out of memory, exactly?
1. i'm not sure we need a hardcoded limit. what if i want to view the content?
2. the report did not indicate that mozilla actually crashed on windows for html
3. the comment about running out of memory is misleading if not outright false.
if windows decides to grow vm instead of telling mozilla that it doesn't have
memory, then that's not running out of memory from mozilla's perspective,
there's not much we can/should do there.
Summary: Mozilla is vulnerable on bzip2 bombs → Mozilla is vulnerable to bzip2 bombs
Comment 7•21 years ago
this summary is outright misleading. those files use gzip, not bzip2. mozilla
doesn't support a bzip2 content-encoding.
Summary: Mozilla is vulnerable to bzip2 bombs → Mozilla is vulnerable to gzip bombs
Comment 8•21 years ago
btw, mozilla crashed here (win2k, current cvs) loading the 1G HTML "bomb". I
tried to get a stack but failed, as MSDEV.EXE also crashed.
I got alerts telling me to increase the amount of virtual memory...
Updated•21 years ago
Group: security
Updated•21 years ago
Group: security
As a user, the last thing I want to do is rely on the OS to police memory usage
-- that typically means it sits there and thrashes for a while, first, making my
system useless. Seems to me the answer is to have a user preference: Max size
allowed for one webpage's data. Set it to say, 1MB. Anytime Mozilla hits that
limit, it stops loading/decompressing/displaying/whatever. Downloads (saved to
disk) would not count. Yes, this means all the routines need to have a limit in
them (all the strcpy()s need to become strncpy()s, so to speak). This
"sanitizing" is similar to what the Linux kernel people have had to do to combat
buffer-overflow attacks.
Re: the "not in our code" problem -- agreed that this could be a pain to get
done. Pushing the relevant parties to make their code safer would benefit
everyone, however.
Comment 10•21 years ago
>As a user, the last thing I want to do is rely on the OS to police memory usage
>-- that typically means it sits there and thrashes for a while, first, making my
>system useless.
as a user, I find that perfectly fine behaviour.
Comment 11•21 years ago
> the last thing I want to do is rely on the OS to police memory usage
Excuse me? This is one of the few things the OS _should_ be doing. Handling
allocation of hardware resources to applications. Applications have no call
determining the hardware limitations of the system themselves -- that's all
handled by the OS.
Setting an artificial limit is not the anwer -- it won't help people who have
fewer resources than the limit, it will hinder those who need to view content
bigger than the limit (1MB is ludicrously low), and there is no way to
dynamically set the limit (since the OS abstracts away the actual hardware).
Let's not make up problems that don't exist, ok? We should not crash on out of
memory, yes. But we should not be in the business of working around OSes which
can't manage to schedule a swapping process such that other processes can run at
the same time.
Comment 12•21 years ago
While it's certainly impossible to completely eliminate the possibility
that the OS or some system library will abort mozilla, it should be
possible to reduce the likelihood. The single large image problem seems
addressable. Mozilla already checks that 4*width*height for every image
fits in an int32. It wouldn't be hard to check if that value is greater
than some configurable number. If so mozilla could do additional checks to
determine if it should attempt to load the image. These checks are
probably platform specific but they are possible, at least on Linux you
can use fairly good heuristics.
Comment 13•21 years ago
Note that the linked-to page mostly talks about tiny gzip files that expand to
huge HTML pages... which is a much harder problem than images.
Comment 14•21 years ago
There seems to be three main ways for mozilla to be killed:
1) mozilla exhausts the system virtual memory,
2) mozilla exhausts free space in its own process, and
3) mozilla exhausts free space in another process.
On Linux it's easy to get a reasonable approximation for the state of the
system vm and one's own process so it's possible to detect approaching
disaster for cases 1 and 2. Case 3 is much harder.
The really hard problem is probably when to start looking for disaster.
Comment 15•21 years ago
darin, is there any way checking this at the network level might help?
Assignee: security-bugs → darin
Comment 16•21 years ago
Chris, note that the basic problem is that the content involved is really
perfectly valid content...
Updated•19 years ago
Assignee: darin → dveditz
QA Contact: toolkit
Comment 17•17 years ago
Is this old bug still an issue?
I'm surprised to see so much resistance in the comments here. It comes down to preventing denial of service, and should should be given an early warning. When working with any compressed data, an exception should be thrown when a couple of conditions are met:
1. The decompressed size is over some hard coded limit.
2. The compression ratio is over some hard-coded limit.
The second is the real flag that something malicious is happening, so we want to look at compression ratios of 1000% or even 10000%. The first limit is used to filter out things that have high compression ratios but have no ill effects. something like 1MB should be high enough to skip most non-issues and low enough to catch the issue early before memory related problems arise.
When this exception is thrown, the error should propagate up to the user warning of the possible malicious content and offer the option to restart it (in case the user trusts the source and thinks the data is legitimate). If the user chooses to restart, then the decompression limits should be disabled and the application to be allowed to thrash in virtual memory. At that point, the user was sufficiently warned.
Comment 18•15 years ago
Live example (don't enter!):
PHP source is:
The server file is:
(And just some HTML header and then 200 million spaces, dot, 200 million spaces, dot, 200 million spaces, dot, 200 million spaces, dot, 200 million spaces, dot, 200 million spaces, dot, 200 million spaces, dot, ... compressed with gzip.)
Comment 19•15 years ago
Ignoring the fact, that Mozilla (or the whole system) is out of memory. The bug is, when Mozilla decompresses gzip-bombs the UI is frozen, so user has no possibility to stop this process.
Comment 20•15 years ago
As a counter-example: Opera doesn't stop to load the gzip-bomb (no hardcoded limit), but the UI is still active, so I can stop loading the non-friendly document at any time.
Comment 22•2 years ago
In the process of migrating remaining bugs to the new severity system, the severity for this bug cannot be automatically determined. Please retriage this bug using the new severity system.
Severity: major → --
Comment 23•1 year ago
The severity field is not set for this bug.
:dveditz, could you have a look please?
For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.
Flags: needinfo?(dveditz)
Updated•1 year ago
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