Closed Bug 23856 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

need to decide whether FCS will load plug-ins from Nav4 plugins directory, then need to implement decision


(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ekrock, Assigned: serhunt)



(Keywords: platform-parity, relnote, Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+])

This is a reminder bug filed by Eric, on Eric, to remind Eric that based on the feedback we get to beta and the number of plug-ins that run with backward compatibility, we must make a final decision about whether FCS will load plug-ins from Nav4 plugins directory.
Summary: [REMINDER] need to decide whether FCS will load plug-ins from Nav4 plugins directory → [REMIND] need to decide whether FCS will load plug-ins from Nav4 plugins directory
Whiteboard: [DONTTEST]
Target Milestone: M16
Marking M16.
Note related discussions of this issue in #21943, #21938, and #22463.
Bulk moving old [donttest] code to new donttest keyword. Sorry for the spam!
Keywords: donttest
*** Bug 33584 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Note additional discussions of this issue and options in bug 33584.
Blocks: 31872
I'm currently leaning against doing load-from-Nav4 for beta2 due to the discovery that the Sun Java plug-in for Nav4 caused a crash this way for N6, demonstrating the possibility that other Nav4 plug-ins might cause N6 crashes as well.
Blocks: 35914
Keywords: nsbeta2
Nominating nsbeta2. I need to review the options with plug-in engineering & reach a final decision on this; we need to do for beta2 what we plan to do for FCS. Due to the fact that backward compatibility is turning out to be a process of debugging one plug-in at a time, leaning towards either (1) forcing customers to re-download all plug-ins, or (2) only loading selected major plug-ins that we've certified to be b.c.
Putting on [nsbeta2+][6/01] radar. This work must be done by 06/01 or we may pull this for PR2.
Whiteboard: [DONTTEST] → [nsbeta2+][6/01][DONTTEST]
Changing from [6/01] to [6/15]
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+][6/01][DONTTEST] → [nsbeta2+][6/15][DONTTEST]
Setting to M17. Reviewing this issue in the newsgroups.
Target Milestone: M16 → M17
Cleaning status whiteboard by marking beta2 minus (6/15 has passed) It would appear that the decision is to remain with the status quo :-/. I don't know that folks will have time to change anything for beta2, as the team is pretty doomed with the current list of bugs.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+][6/15][DONTTEST] → [nsbeta2-][DONTTEST]
what are we doing now? can we get a retest on this to figure out? if plugin's are in marginal shape we shouldn't throw gasoline on the fire by loading every plugin we can get our hands on, especially if we are going to load plugins at startup... that would be a good way to drive MTBF down for lots of users... recommend we turn of plugin loading of old plugins and/or don't have the installer do migration.. just like we have done in every major release (3.x -> 4.x) removing minus to get reconsideration.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-][DONTTEST] → [DONTTEST]
nsbeta2+, need a decision
Whiteboard: [DONTTEST] → [DONTTEST][nsbeta2+]
Revising Summary to note that this bug tracks both the need to decide the issue and the need to then implement the final decision. Working on the decision. I think we're agreed that to minimize risk, we're not going to load *all* Nav4 plug-ins blindly. However, I'm investigating the cost-benefit of possibly loading at least one or more widely-used plug-ins that we've already certified for backward compatibility. Details to follow.
Summary: [REMIND] need to decide whether FCS will load plug-ins from Nav4 plugins directory → need to decide whether FCS will load plug-ins from Nav4 plugins directory, then need to implement decision
Whiteboard: [DONTTEST][nsbeta2+] → [nsbeta2+]
OK, here's the deal. 1) It would be unwise to load *all* legacy plug-in binaries from the Nav4 plugins directory because many are untested and the possibility exists that some might compromise the browser's stability. This is what we currently do on Windows, and that option is out, so the code must be changed to *some* other approach. 2) Loading *no* legacy plug-in binaries would force Moz/N6 users to do one of the following for plug-ins they already have and want to continue to use that aren't bundled with the product (Moz bundles none; N6 bundled plug-ins TBD): a) (99% of the time for typical users) redownload & reinstall the plug-in, since typical end users haven't kept the installer and don't understand how to copy over a plug-in from one directory to another (chofmann, I understand that this is what we've done in the past, but Nav6 in 2000 faces a different situation than Nav4 in '97) b) rerun the plug-in installer if they still have it (99.5% of users won't) c) copy over the plug-in binaries from one directory to the other (though we could explain this in the release notes, most users won't know how to do this and won't read the release notes) 3) A compromise, in which Moz/N6 load from Nav4 plugins directory only a limited set of plug-ins that have already been proven to be stable and compatible, appears to be preferable. Real, Flash, and Acrobat are the three most widely-used plug-ins and each has already been qualified as backwardly compatible, so they are the obvious candidates for this list. Netscape is able to provide the resources for implementing recognition and autoloading of these three leading, qualified plug-ins; other plug-in vendors would of course be free to implement recognition for their own plug-ins if they wished to and to submit the patches through There are two ways to achieve (3): 3A) Hardcode the list of which plug-ins to load into the C code. Andrei's evaluation of work required: 3Ai) 10 minutes to do this on Windows 3Aii) probably a similar amount of time for someone who (unlike Andrei) is a Mac expert to do the same thing on the Mac [ this won't be done on Linux because the Motif-to-GTK GUI changeover issue has rendered Nav4 plug-ins obsolete ] 3B) Create a softcoded list of which plug-in files to load (example: as a hidden pref in prefs.js). The advantage of this approach is its greater flexibility. It would be easier for Netscape and Mozilla to add/remove plug-ins from their respective lists if the need arose. It would also be easier for plug-in vendors to add their plug-in to the list to enable testing and qualification, and even for advanced users to edit this themselves if they wished. The disadvantage is that of course this is an additional feature and requires more work. Andrei's estimate of work required: 3Bi) 1 day for him to implement and test this 3Bii) The build team would then need to configure the build process to produce a prefs.js on windows that listed the windows DLL filenames and a prefs.js on the Mac that listed the Mac plug-in filenames [ the list on Linux would be empty ] As the PM for the Mozilla Plug-in API, I obviously prefer 3B, but since we're trying to clamp down on features, I'm willing to accept 3A. John Gable, as the PM for Navigator, has expressed a strong preference for 3B. Bottom line is that either course will likely require PDT team approval, so I suggest that we schedule the issue for discussion at a PDT team meeting ASAP, discuss this, and how much the PDT will sign off on. cc:ing John in case he'd like to add further comments.
Andrew (av), Eric and I were talking and you should go ahead and check-in your 10 minute hack for Win and Mac to auto-load specified plugins from Nav4. Let's get that code in asap - it has been nsbeta2+ approved. Assigning to, changing OS to All even though it only effects Mac and Win platforms. Separately, we should also create a new feature request bug to solve this problem in a better way. Specifically, a better solution would be to create a preference that lists all the plug-ins that Netscape 6 automatically loads from the older versions of Netscape. That way as we test and discover which plugins work, it would be easy to add them to this list. Also, plug-in vendors can more easily test their own plug-ins this way. No one within Netscape engineering may have the time to implement this better solution, but someone on mozilla, perhaps someone working with one of the plugins companies, might. It would be a big help to plugin vendors, so hopefully someone will do this.
Assignee: ekrock → av
OS: Windows NT → All
see bug 43179 for the help wanted feature request to implement this solution using a pref instead.
No longer blocks: 31872
Checked in. Marking fixed to get it off my list. Eric, please reassign it with proper changes if we want this issue to be discussed further.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This works fine on windows for realplayer and shockwave. Acrobat file loading problem still exists so cannot verify that acrobat files launch using 4.x plugin. This is not working for mac at all (shockwave, realplayer). I get a" Plugin Dpwnload" message. I wil lgive it a try again with tomorrow's build and comment. Thnx.
same thing today(not working on mac)..Is this feature only supposed to work on windows? Thnx.
Steve Dagley reports that (1) this would be very hard to do on the Mac, and (2) it's easy for users to copy over plug-in executables to the Mozilla/N6 directory if we explain how in the release notes, so he recommends that we only do this on Windows. Given lack of time and resources, I think this is the way we'll leave it. Not ideal from a pp of behavior standpoint, but we're out of time for hard enhancements. Marking pp and relnote. Thanks for your thorough testing shrirang!
Keywords: pp, relnote
marking this verified ( to get off the beta2+ radar) with a reminder to self to add this to the beta2 release note (for mac)
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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