Closed Bug 243391 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Thunderbird is responding to Firefox -remote commands?


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: mozilla, Assigned: bugzilla)


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; FreeBSD i386; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040501 Firefox/0.8 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; FreeBSD i386; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040501 Firefox/0.8 I have a shell script that I use to launch Firefox based on whether another Firefox instance is running or not. It looks like this: ----- #!/bin/csh set FIREFOXPATH = "/usr/X11R6/bin/" set FIREFOXNAME = "firefox" if ($1 == "") then set URL = "about:blank" else set URL = $1 endif set FIREFOX = "$FIREFOXPATH$FIREFOXNAME" if ( -x $FIREFOX ) then $FIREFOX -remote "ping()" if ( $status == 2 ) then $FIREFOX $URL & else $FIREFOX -remote "openURL($URL, new-tab)" & endif endif ----- This script works fine 90% of the time. The 10% of the time that it doesn't work is when Thunderbird is already running and Firefox is not. I suspect that Thunderbird is responding to Firefox's ping() request which is causing the script problems. If I close down Thunderbird and run the script again, it starts up just as I would have expected. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Install Thunderbird and Firefox on a *nix machine (I can only verify FreeBSD) 2. WITHOUT Thunderbird running, use the script to launch Firefox (this works) 3. WITHOUT Thunderbird running, WITH Firefox running, use the script to launch Firefox again (this works) 4. WITH Thunderbird running, WITH Firefox running, use the script to launch Firefox again (this works) 5. WITH Thunderbird running, WITHOUT Firefox running, use the script to luanch Firefox (this doesn't work) 6. File bugzilla report (err, how about you just comment on this one) Actual Results: It's hard to verify with Firefox already running (I'm typing this bug in, aren't I?) but I believe the script either returns "No running window found." or "Failed to send command." I have both of them on my console at some point. Expected Results: I would have hoped that it would have launched Firefox. I'm filing this is Major because these types of scripts are the only way for us *nix users to launch Firefox seamlessly. None of these launcher scripts will work correctly if -remote doesn't work as expected. Without this script, launching Firefox with another Firefox instance running causes that damn Profile Manager to pop up when what we really want is another Firefox window -- same as what happens on Windows.
Dupe of bug 229681?
I'm interested in how you arrived at the conclusion that this bug is a dupe of 229681, Jose. The descriptions have nothing to do with each other, short of both making reference to the -remote functionality. I think this bug stands on its own.
(In reply to comment #2) > I'm interested in how you arrived at the conclusion that this bug is a dupe of > 229681, Jose. I didnt, thats why i asked.
Duplicate of bug 237283? It should work with a nightly build, go ahead and try. And remember to mark this as duplicate if that was indeed the problem.
Bogdan, I will be unable to test to see if the changes made to the other bug fix this one until it lands in a release. I also don't really understand what the other bug was trying to resolve. xremote doesn't mean much to me. What is mozilla-xremote-client? I confess to being nothing more than a user right now but the bug description/comments of the other bug does nothing to help me understand if that would fix my problem or not.
I thought you wrote that script and you know what $FIREFOX -remote "openURL($URL, new-tab)" & means. I'm not a linux user, but I'm 99% sure it's a duplicate of bug 237283. See also bug 170609, which is dependent on 237283.
Bogdan, I do know, perfectly well, what those commands do. They execute /usr/X11R6/bin/firefox, passing -remote "openURL($URL, new-tab)" as a parameter. The & means run in the background. From my role as a user, nowhere in there has xremote or mozilla-xremote-client come into play. All I'm saying is that the bug you referrenced didn't adequately explain TO ME what was actually fixed as I don't know what xremote and mozilla-xremote-client are. I'm not a Linux user either. I don't even know what to test to see if that other bug fixes my problem. Do I need a new Thunderbird or Firefox or both? I'll be happy to test the scenario that causes my bug once new releases of Thunderbird or Firefox have been released to determine if my bug is fixed, but a nightly build isn't an option.
From a short search on the net I found these two pages: As I understand, -remote option makes a program try to connect to an already existing instance of the application and do the desired action, instead of launching a new process. The problem is that Mozilla, Thunderbird, and Firefox had the same "ID" with respect to this xremote protocol, before bug 237283 was fixed. So the problem described in this bug is exactly the same. Thunderbird 0.6 should have this fixed. Also that should be true for the next release of Firefox, which will happen in a couple of weeks. I don't know how the combination Firefox 0.8 and Thunderbird 0.6 will work. I will mark this a duplicate of bug 237283 for now. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 237283 ***
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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