Closed Bug 243919 Opened 21 years ago Closed 19 years ago

Wanted: Read-only option for remote calendars.


(Calendar :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: joehe716, Assigned: mostafah)



User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040207 Firefox/0.8 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040207 Firefox/0.8 The "Subscribe to Remote Calendar" should have and option that says "Read-only Calendar" to prevent users from (accidentally?) adding events to remote calendars that they don't have any PUT-priviliges to. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Subscribe to a GET-Only WebDAV remote Calendar 2. Add some events to it. Actual Results: Events are added to the local file. These will be removed silently at the next remote refresh. See also bug 243918. Expected Results: The "Subscribe to Remote Calendar" should have and option that says "Read-only Calendar" to prevent users from (accidentally?) adding events to remote calendars that they don't have any PUT-priviliges to. Users should not have the option to add events to such a calendar. Possibly, Mozilla Calendar could also provide an option to check the GET/PUT-ability of a Remote Calendar at Subscribe-time, and check the Read-only option by default if is unable to GET what it PUT.
Isn't this something that should be done at the server level?
(In reply to comment #1) > Isn't this something that should be done at the server level? No! The server is not the problem here. You can very well (and in fact you should!) restrict the PUT priviliges on the server so that the individual users only have PUT priviliges on their own remote calendars, and possibly so that they have GET priviliges on each other's remote calendars. The problem which I'm referring to is that the Mozilla Calendar application lets the user modify the *local* Calendar file, even though he or she is not allowed to update the remote file. The result is that the newly added events are lost in the next refresh operation. Furthermore - if this refresh operation is the automatic refresh of remote calendars that occurrs at program startup - chances are that this removal will go unnoticed, and consequentially it is very likely that you (the user) will miss that important meeting, just because you accidentally put it in the wrong calendar file. The reason we want synchronized calendars is that we don't want this thing to happen, and this is excactly why there should be a read-only option for remote calendars that you don't have PUT access to. Hope I made myself clear this time. Cheers! /Joel Hedlund
Altered severity from "Enhancement" to "Critical" due to the risk for data loss that is involved in this bug.
Severity: enhancement → critical
OS: Linux → All
Just as a rough guideline on stuff that needs to be done to support this: Disabling of "Read-Only" Menu items (or removal) in the "New Event" (and "New Tasks") dialogs. Disabling of ability to change calendar name (?) Disabling of ability to delete (local) event in the Read-Only calendar. UI in the subscribe dialog to dictate that it is read only, and/or a test on subscription itself to 'check' if it is a read-only remote file [If server/file system doesnt prevent it, should we?) I'm not tackling this yet, though thats just a rough guideline of things to change to solve this bug.
(In reply to comment #4) > Disabling of ability to change calendar name (?) Can the calendar name be set in the .ics file, or do you propose a new file (-format)? The user would otherwise have to specify a name for the calendar anyway at subscription time, and I'd think it would be frustrating not to get to change it later. Otherwise I think you summed it up pretty good. Thanks again for a great application. It will no doubt be very helpful for us.
(In reply to comment #4) > Disabling of ability to delete (local) event in the Read-Only calendar. Obviously, not only deleting but also modifying (local) events should be disabled.
*** Bug 299836 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
QA Contact: gurganbl → general
*** Bug 299836 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 310079 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Resolving as duplicate of Bug 310503. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 310503 ***
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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