Closed Bug 248121 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

"X-Mozilla-Status" and spaces inserted into received mail


(MailNews Core :: Movemail, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: smcx1, Assigned: pkwarren)



(Keywords: fixed-aviary1.0, fixed1.7.5, regression)


(2 files)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113 Build Identifier: 1.7 When reading mail with Mozilla 1.7 frequently (but not in every message). I see stuff like: X-Mozilla-Status: 8000 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 in the middle of the messages. The messages were not sent with Mozilla. I also see additional spaces (some spaces appear to be duplicated) in received messages. This makes mozilla 1.7 unusable for me and I've reverted to 1.6 Using Red Hat Fedora on an Intel machine and movemail. Reproducible: Sometimes Steps to Reproduce: 1. Read mail messages! 2. 3. Actual Results: See bogus X-Mozilla-Status messages and spaces in received mail Expected Results: Shown the message as sent!
X-Mozilla-Status and X-Mozilla-Status2 are header lines inserted by each (in any version) _receiving_ Mozilla. They hold informations on the status of the mail and things like the label markings. But all these X-Mozilla lines (also X-Account-Key and X-UIDL) should be in the topmost lines of the message source, not the middle of the message. Er, what do you meant with "middle of the message"? And where are these spaces "inserted"? The header part or the body? Would be nice if you could attach one or two of these affected messages (in .eml format with "Create a New Attachment" above)
Hi, I was about to submit this bug again. I have a little more Info about it (see - it happens only with HTML email - it happens only, if the HTML source has a line break immediately before the word 'from' For instance the following paragraph from the email message source: <P><SPAN LANG=3D"de"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial">Towards the end of July, each = Business Group in EMEA will publish its strategic action plan to address = each of the above focus areas. You'll be hearing more about this work = from your organization's management team, and during the upcoming August = X-Mozilla-Status: 8000 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 quarterly Coffee talks. </FONT></SPAN></P> I'm using Mozilla 1.7/HP-UX (Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; HP-UX 9000/785; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040617). (In reply to comment #1)
I have also seen this problem but it does not seem to be restricted to HTML formated messages. If there is a "from" at the begining of the line in the received message something is inserting X-Mozilla-Status: 8000 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 into the message. This can be seen as soon as the message is displayed in the inbox. I use movemail and looking through the source a very likely culprit is around line 429 in nsMovemailService.cpp. // 'From' lines delimit messages if (isMore && !PL_strncasecmp(buffer.get(), "From ", 5)) { buffer = NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("X-Mozilla-Status: 8000" MSG_LINEBREAK); newMailParser->HandleLine(buffer.BeginWriting(), buffer.Length()); outFileStream << buffer.get(); buffer = NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000" MSG_LINEBREAK); newMailParser->HandleLine(buffer.BeginWriting(), buffer.Length()); outFileStream << buffer.get(); } However, a fix does not leap out at me as I haven't had time to digest the movemail process. I'm using mozilla 1.7.1 on Solaris 9 sparc compiled with Sun Forte 7.
Original report also mentions MoveMail. Bertram Franz, are you also using MoveMail? Is this bug a regression?
Yes, I'm also using MoveMail. I had seen this only in HTML email, because my mailer (or some bridge?) always inserts a '>' before any 'From' in a new line of any non-HTML email. Bertram
Updating component; all three reporters are using Movemail.
Assignee: sspitzer → pkwarren
Component: Mail Window Front End → Movemail
I know exactly why this is occuring - lines beginning with "From" delimit messages in Movemail accounts - however we are currently doing a case insensitive comparison, which I'm not sure is really needed.
pkw, it seems you accidentally introduced this, nsMovemailService.cpp&rev=1.42&mark=429#422
Depends on: 239583
Attached patch Patch v1Splinter Review
This was definitely my mistake.
that's only somewhat better - you can still have a line that starts with "From " as opposed to "from ", which will still cause the bug. Is there a way in movemail to know when we've actually got a new message?
Attachment #155711 - Flags: superreview?(mscott)
Attachment #155711 - Flags: review?(mscott)
Well this is the behavior that is has been for several years before I broke it in Bug 239583. We could definitely improve the parsing. The FreeBSD mail.local man page describes the exact format we are looking for in the mail spool file: "Individual mail messages in the mailbox are delimited by an empty line followed by a line beginning with the string ``From ''. A line con- taining the string ``From '', the sender's name and a time stamp is prepended to each delivered mail message. A blank line is appended to each message. A greater-than character (``>'') is prepended to any line in the message which could be mistaken for a ``From '' delimiter line (that is, a line beginning with the five characters ``From '' fol- lowing a blank line)."
Comment on attachment 155711 [details] [diff] [review] Patch v1 ah, yes, you're right. Can you file a new bug on improving the parsing for the "From " line?
Attachment #155711 - Flags: superreview?(mscott) → superreview+
Bug 255048 filed. bienvenu: Can I check this in currently with your review + super review?
Comment on attachment 155711 [details] [diff] [review] Patch v1 yes, that's fine, thx.
Attachment #155711 - Flags: review?(mscott) → review+
Attached patch Patch v2Splinter Review
This patch takes it a step further, enforcing the rule that the preceding line to a "From " line should be an empty line.
Attachment #155711 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #155720 - Flags: superreview?(bienvenu)
Attachment #155720 - Flags: review?(bienvenu)
Comment on attachment 155720 [details] [diff] [review] Patch v2 cut and paste error: + mozillaStatus2.AssignLiteral("X-Mozilla-Status: 00000000" MSG_LINEBREAK); this needs to be "X-Mozilla-Status2: other than that, it looks OK, but could you run a few tests and make sure everything looks OK in the resulting folder? In particular, the first new message should work OK, because you've initialized prevLineEmpty to PR_TRUE, and receiving multiple messages should trigger the prevLineEmpty code correctly (so we're sure that movemail is putting a blank line before the start of messages?)
(In reply to comment #17) > + mozillaStatus2.AssignLiteral("X-Mozilla-Status: 00000000" MSG_LINEBREAK); Good catch. > other than that, it looks OK, but could you run a few tests and make sure > everything looks OK in the resulting folder? In particular, the first new > message should work OK, because you've initialized prevLineEmpty to PR_TRUE, > and receiving multiple messages should trigger the prevLineEmpty code correctly > (so we're sure that movemail is putting a blank line before the start of > messages?) Yes it is working as expected. I have tested on AIX and Linux here, using both Sendmail and Postfix to deliver messages. Sending a message which contains "From " at the beginning of a line in the body of a message results in it being escaped by a ">" whether or not the previous line in the message was empty. I am not sure what the behavior is with other MTAs. I think we could just land the simpler first patch to address the problem immediately (and would probably be able to land it on the 1.7 branch more easily). There were never any reports of issues with inserting the X-Mozilla-Status lines in messages until my checkin for Bug 239583.
Attachment #155720 - Flags: superreview?(bienvenu)
Attachment #155720 - Flags: review?(bienvenu)
Attachment #155711 - Attachment is obsolete: false
Checked in the first patch. Checking in nsMovemailService.cpp; /cvsroot/mozilla/mailnews/local/src/nsMovemailService.cpp,v <-- nsMovemailService.cpp new revision: 1.49; previous revision: 1.48 done
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment on attachment 155711 [details] [diff] [review] Patch v1 This is a simple fix which should be checked in to the 1.7 branch to fix a regression from Bug 239583.
Attachment #155711 - Flags: approval1.7.3?
Keywords: regression
Attachment #155711 - Flags: approval1.7.3? → approval1.7.3+
Requesting additional approval to check in to the aviary branch.
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0?
Phillip, go ahead and check it into the aviary branch - for mail stuff, you just need Scott or my blessing, I believe. Thx.
Fixed on aviary branch. Checking in nsMovemailService.cpp; /cvsroot/mozilla/mailnews/local/src/nsMovemailService.cpp,v <-- nsMovemailService.cpp new revision:; previous revision: done
Keywords: fixed-aviary1.0
Fixed on 1.7 branch. Checking in nsMovemailService.cpp; /cvsroot/mozilla/mailnews/local/src/nsMovemailService.cpp,v <-- nsMovemailService.cpp new revision:; previous revision: 1.42 done
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0?
Keywords: fixed1.7.3
Is this supposed to be fixed in 1.7.3? (It isn't.)
no, I think it was fixed after 1.7.3 came out, hence the keyword set to 1.7.x, not 1.7.3. 1.7.4 or later should have the fix.
*** Bug 263533 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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