Closed Bug 249710 Opened 20 years ago Closed 20 years ago

Comodo CA cert inclusion request


(CA Program :: CA Certificate Root Program, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: hecker, Assigned: hecker)




User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040628 Firefox/0.9.1
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040628 Firefox/0.9.1

Request to include CA certificates for the Comodo Group (EnterpriseSSL and
InstallSSL services). For CA-related information see
<>. Note that Comodo has been
"WebTrust for CA" audited, and hence I plan to approve their inclusion under the
current interim Mozilla Foundation policy, unless I hear any substantial objections.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Accepting bug as assigned to me.
I have a couple of additional questions for the Comodo folks:

1. Are there URLs where the CA certs are available in a format suitable for
direct loading into Mozilla (i.e., you can click on the links and get the
Mozilla certificate dialog)? If I recall correctly the certs have to be
available with a certain MIME type; I forget which one right at the moment.

2. Are there URLs where CRLs can be downloaded? IIRC the CPS says they can be
downloaded at the repository URL <>, but
they're not there.

My approval is contingent on getting at least question 2 above answered. (After
all, right now I have no idea if Comodo really maintains and publishes CRLs or not.)

Answers to your questions:-
1) We have put the certificates on (at 
the end).  We think we have the mime-type right, but aren't 100%.

2) The CPS says that the CRL is available as indicated in the certificate 
profile.  The certificate profile says that the URL for the CRL is in the end-
entity certificate.

The URLs for the three CRLs are:-
Thanks for adding this information. Clicking on the CA certificate links still
doesn't invoke the proper Mozilla dialog. You are presenting the certificates as
MIME type "application/pkix-cert", but I think the needed MIME type is
"application/x-x509-ca-cert", at least per
<>, which I think is
the original reference for this. See also Nelson Bolyard's post at
<> for some
background information on this.

I believe that for CRLs the necessary MIME type for Mozilla to recognize them is
"application/x-pkcs7-crl", but I haven't found official documentation to confirm

Note that Mozilla behavior differs from MSIE behavior, so you may need to
include two different sets of links in order to cater to both.
(In reply to comment #4)
> You are presenting the certificates as
> MIME type "application/pkix-cert", but I think the needed MIME type is
> "application/x-x509-ca-cert", at least per
> <>, which I think is
> the original reference for this.

Actually <> is the
more recent reference; however note that it still doesn't address the question
of MIME types for CRL links.
(In reply to comment #4)
> I believe that for CRLs the necessary MIME type for Mozilla to recognize them
> is "application/x-pkcs7-crl", but I haven't found official documentation to
> confirm this.

From the Mozilla source code, the MIME type used by Mozilla for CRLs is indeed
"application/x-pkcs7-crl"; see

I have not been able to find any place where this is documented other than in
the source code itself.

Note that RFC 2585, "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure, Operational
Protocols: FTP and HTTP" defines the MIME type of "application/pkix-crl" for
CRLs transported by HTTP. Mozilla doesn't use the corresponding MIME type
"application/pkix-cert" defined in RFC 2585 for certificates, for reasons noted
in Nelson's post referenced above and in bug 184649. However the reasons noted
by Nelson (e.g., there are multiple types of certs) don't necessarily apply in
the CRL case; for example, AFAIK there's only one type of CRL we need to deal
with, at least at present. So it's an open question whether Mozilla should
support "application/pkix-crl" as an alternative to "application/x-pkcs7-crl".

But in any case that's a discussion for another bug. For now the answer is that
Comodo should make CRLs available with MIME type "application/x-pkcs7-crl" in
order for Mozilla users to be able to download and install them. I suggest
Comodo consider doing this, because even if we preload the Comodo root CA certs
we can't prload the CRLs given Mozilla and NSS as they exist today; thus Mozilla
users wishing to validate Comodo-issued certs will need to download the Comodo
CRLs and get them installed in Mozilla.

Also note that AFAIK Apache (at least Apache 2.0) does not have a pre-defined
MIME type for CRL files, so by default CRLs would presumably be served as
plain/text files as far as Mozilla is concerned. (However IE would probably
recognize them based on the .crl suffix, since IIRC IE allows file extensions to
override the MIME type, at least in certain contexts.
I just checked, and apparently the Comodo CRLs are now indeed served up by the
correct MIME type and are loadable into Mozilla by clicking on the links. The CA
certs appear to be still served up as application/pkix-cert, with no option to
download them with MIME type x-x509-ca-cert. However this is of less concern to
me since downloading the certs won't be necessary if/when they're pre-loaded
into Mozilla.

I've updated the draft CA page at

to reflect the new CRL URLs.

Pursuant to my comments, I'm going to approve Comodo for inclusion in Mozilla
absent further objection. Going once, going twice...
Frank, IINM, the application/x- MIME content types were add devised 
prior to the standardization of other official MIME content types for
these data types.  Now that standard content types exist, I agree that
PSM should honor them, in addition to the old ones (for backwards 
compatibliity), especially for CRLs.  Sounds like another PSM RFE.

I also opine that mozilla should now handle the standard MIME content 
type for certs, and should choose UI based on the content of the cert 
actually downloaded.
Per my earlier comments, I'm approving Comodo Group CA certs for inclusion in
Mozilla. I'm off now to file a bug against NSS to actually add the certs.
Depends on: 252132
It has been my experience that the comodo web site for enrollment for certs only
works with IE, not with mozilla/Netscape.  That is reflected in the instructions
that I posted to the newsgroup about how to obtain a comodo email cert.  

Should the ability to entroll for a cert with mozilla be a criterion for
acceptance, at least for email certs?
Refering comment #10, I suggest the proposed policy require the following for
any authority's root certificate to be installed in the Mozilla database: 

1.  The Web site (all public pages) of the certificate authority must be
viewable via Mozilla.  

2.  A user must be able to acquire root certificates directly from the authority
while using Mozilla.  

3.  A client of the authority must be able to obtain (order and receive)
certificates while using Mozilla.  

4.  A Web page, E-mail message, or other data entity signed by a certificate
issued by the authority and signed by the authority's root certificate must be
capable of being verified while using Mozilla providing the data entity itself
can be viewed or otherwise appropriately processed by Mozilla.    

(In reply to comment #11)
> Refering comment #10, I suggest the proposed policy require the following for
> any authority's root certificate to be installed in the Mozilla database: 

This should really be part of a discussion in n.p.m.crypto, and I'll include
this topic when I get a chance to re-start the public discussion on criteria
(soon, I hope). I think requirements like this are reasonable but not
necessarily something we want to be rigid about.

For example, take the requirement that the CA support enrollment using Mozilla.
Remember that the CA's customers are not necessarily the same population as
would be actually encountering the CA-issued certs in web browsing, etc. As a
somewhat contrived but at least plausible example, consider a CA that issues
server certs only to banks, using some special private mechanism. Here whether
the CA allows enrollment using Mozilla is irrelevant, since no Mozilla user
would actually be enrolling; the users just want to be able to use Mozilla to
connect to their banks' SSL-enabled web sites.

Nelson has added these root CA certs to NSS.  So
you can mark the bug fixed now.
Certificates are in Firefox 1.0.2 and Thunderbird 1.0.2; resolving as fixed and
removing dependency on bug 252132.
Closed: 20 years ago
No longer depends on: 252132
Resolution: --- → FIXED
*** Bug 239484 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Product: → NSS
Product: NSS → CA Program
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